
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

social networking service

会員交流サイト 交流サイト ソーシャル・ネットワーキング・サービス SNS (日記や個人情報などを、特定の仲間うちなどに限ってネット上で公開するサービス。原則としてお互いの名前や肩書などを公開して、意見交換や交流などを行うことができる。⇒SNS, social media)

social networking serviceの用例

About 20 percent of Internet users purchase products based on ratings on social networking services.

During election campaigns, social networking services, including Twitter, Facebook and LINE, can also be used and these services have great advantages, including allowing voters, parties and candidates to engage in two-way communication.

Facebook, the leading social networking service, is the company that turned the social Web into a cultural phenomenon.

If the LDP’s bill to revise the Public Offices Election Law passes, political parties and candidates will be able to update their websites and send out e-mails and the use of blogs, microblogs such as Twitter and social networking services will be liberalized.

In some cases, under the guise of adding friends, people using social networking services were led to a site where they were asked to download a virus-infected application.

Softbank and News Corp. will set up a fifty-fifty joint venture for the Japanese version of Myspace, the world most popular social networking service.

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