英和 用語・用例辞典の解説
(名)療法 治療 治療法 理学[物理]療法 セラピー (⇒guinea pig)
As exceptions to the ban on mixed treatments, about 100 types of medical treatments and practices are authorized, including heavy ion therapy (a method of advanced radio- therapy for cancer) and genetic testing for familial Alzheimer’s disease.
Even at core hospitals for cancer treatment, anti-nausea drugs were not administered in 40 percent of cases in which they should have been used along with anticancer therapy.
Heavy particle beam therapy facilities cost about ¥30 billion to construct.
Kirobo, a therapy humanoid robot which is programmed to process questions and select words from its vocabulary to construct an answer, put through its paces by speaking in Japanese with astronaut Koichi Wakata on the International Space Station.
Proton beam therapy is carried out at 19 institutions worldwide.
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