
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説


(名)発生地 開催地 開催場所 会場 場所 場 裁判地 法廷地 裁判籍 事件の現場 集合地 立場 立脚地



As a solid advantage for Tokyo, a 2020 Olympics staged in Tokyo would be a compact Olympic Games, with most event venues within an eight-kilometer radius of the Olympic village.

“Candidature files” contain the candidate cities’ detailed plans to host the Olympics and Paralympics, which cover 14 issues including basic philosophy, finance, events, venues and transportation.

China which is the world’s second-largest economy is behaving as if it is showing little regard for a venue for the discussion of global economic issues.

Counterfeit brand products are suspected to have been sold at the special venue areas of five department stores which dealt with the same general merchandise sales company.

Each party irrevocably waives any right to invoke any claim of forum non conveniens, inconvenient forum, or transfer or change of venue.

Following the indictment of high-ranking FIFA officials and others by the U.S. Justice Department, Swiss authorities have also launched criminal proceedings into suspected irregularities involving the processes for selecting the host venue of the 2018 and 2022 World Cup tournaments.

In the plan for a “compact Olympic Games” emphasized by the Japanese delegation for the 2020 Olympic Games, 85 percent of event venues will be located within an eight-kilometer radius of the Olympic Village.

“Places to go frequently,” at which physical exercises and tea parties are held at venues that elderly people can reach on foot, such as community centers, have been set up in cities, wards, towns and villages across the country.

Russia spent ¥5 trillion for the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics in building event venues and related facilities.

The government will open large-scale mass vaccination sites [venues] in Tokyo and Osaka.

The plans for the new National Stadium, scheduled to be the main venue for the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games held in 2020, will be sent back to the drawing board and be reconsidered from scratch.

The product sold at specially created venues within the department store was different from the genuine article in the texture and the feel of the materials.

The upper house has become a venue for power struggles between parties.

The venue of Biden’s presidential inauguration ceremony and its surroundings were placed on high alert in order to prevent terrorism and infections with the new [novel] coronavirus.

Vaccinations at companies and universities have been allowed, but they have to secure on their own the doctors, nurses and other medical personnel to administer vaccines as well as the venues for vaccination.

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1 (会議・競技などの)開催地,会場;(一般的に)候補地≪forin

a conference [an exhibition, a concert] venue

the venue for the match

2 ((米))《法律》(犯罪・不法行為などの)行為地,訴訟原因発生地;裁判地

2a (一般に)行為[事件]の発生地,現場

3 ((米))(議論・論争での)立場,意見

出典 小学館「プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)」プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)について 情報 | 凡例