
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

virtual currency

仮想通貨 (ビットコインやイーサリアム(Ethereum)、リップル(Ripple)などが代表的な仮想通貨。仮想通貨は800種類以上あるとされるが、取引をめぐるトラブルや覚せい剤・危険ドラッグの売買、マネーロンダリング(資金洗浄)など犯罪への悪用が懸念されている。2017年4月に施行された改正資金決済法(the Payment Services Law)によると、誰でも開設できた仮想通貨の取引所は登録制となり、取引所は資本金1,000万円以上、利用者から預かった金や仮想通貨を自社の財産と分けて管理する、口座開設に本人確認を行うなどの条件を満たすことを義務付けている。)

virtual currencyの用例

According to investigative sources, Mt. Gox, a company which conducted transaction in the bitcoin virtual currency, might have diverted ¥1.1 billion of its clients’ money for its own business without clients’ knowledge.

After 650,000 bitcoins belonging to customers, worth ¥22.9 billion as of Aug. 1, 2015, and ¥2.8 billion in cash disappeared from the computer systems of Mt. Gox, the virtual currency trading firm has become unable to make reimbursements to its clients.

Bitcoin and other virtual currencies have no guarantee or protection based on public credibility unlike real currencies and deposits.

Bitcoin, an online currency, is illegal in Thailand and financial services involving bitcoin are banned in China, but the virtual currency has been spreading around the world online.

Bitcoin traded in units of BTC currently stays outside the framework of financial regulations, so the risk management of the virtual currency is difficult.

Bitcoin, which has attracted great attention as it can be remitted at low fees, is a virtual currency circulated only on the Internet.

The Financial Services Agency will bundle bitcoins and other virtual currencies into a category called “crypto-assets” as the term “virtual currencies” could cause mis- understanding as legal tender.

The president of Mt. Gox, a bankrupt virtual currency trading firm is suspected to have misappropriated ¥1.1 billion of his clients’ money.

The prices of virtual currencies, which are not legal tender recognized by the government, fluctuate wildly due to unclear issuers and with no evidence of value.

The transactions of bitcoin and other virtual currencies are still being actively conducted as they can be used for fund settlements, but the highly anonymous transaction system may be abused for financing terrorist activities or to launder crime-related money.

Transactions in virtual currencies like bitcoin have many problems in terms of transparency and safety.

Virtual currencies, which are traded online as if they were money, are commonly called “cryptocurrency” as they are protected against counterfeiting by using cryptography.

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