
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

wage hike

賃上げ 賃金引上げ 賃金上昇 (=wage boost [increase, gains])

wage hikeの用例

As to minimum wage hikes Obama proposed, he will issue an executive order to raise the wages of some federal contract workers even if the GOP refuse to raise minimum wages.

In his State of the Union address delivered on January 28, 2014, Obama proposed minimum wage hikes in consideration of low-income earners who have not yet benefited from the economic recovery, while referring to the expansion of job opportunities with the TPP free trade agreement and immigration reform.

In the spring wage negotiations at major companies, management presented responses to their unions’ requests for wage hikes at the same time.

Spring offensives over the past several years focused on ensuring job security, rather than wage hikes.

Spring wage increase negotiations, as a whole, have turned out to be tough for employees because company after company offered wage hikes lower than in the previous year.

The company introduced a new retirement benefit system in 2014, under which ¥2,750 per month is deducted from each employee’s periodic wage hikes and the money is set aside for additional retirement benefit payments.

The government plans to implement corporate tax cuts, coupled with the consumption tax hike, but it will take some time for the benefits of corporate tax cuts to reach consumers through wage hikes.

The management side is becoming cautious about wage hikes due to concerns over rising labor costs.

Wage hikes, which will lead to an increase in fixed costs in the future, may endanger the foundation of management.

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