work experience

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

work experience

職場体験 職業体験 仕事[作業]体験 職務経験 職務経歴 職歴

work experienceの用例

Democrat Joe Biden who has assumed the presidency of the Unites States has a wealth of experience as a centrist and moderate politician and is known for his honest character.

Many corporate pension funds have no one with experience in asset management.

People in the old days gained wisdom through their experiences in daily life even though they had no scientific evidence.

The effect of a relaxing experience through breathing in the refreshing air of the new leaves in the woods is said to be produced by the phytoncide secreted by the trees.

To prevent bullying at school or bullying at work, respect for social norms and public morality must be nurtured at school and through work experiences in local communities.

Wang Yi named as China’s foreign minister was a career diplomat with experience working on North Korea and other knotty diplomatic issues.

Women can still hit glass ceilings when they try to become managers of businesses and leaders of large organizations even when they have the same credentials and experience as their male counterparts, President Barack Obama said in a written interview.

work experience

職場体験 職業体験 仕事[作業]体験 職務経験 職務経歴 職歴

work experienceの用例

To prevent bullying at school or bullying at work, respect for social norms and public morality must be nurtured at school and through work experiences in local communities.

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wórk expèrience


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