sashimi; fresh slices of raw fish
Sashimi is thinly sliced fresh seafood served raw. It is usually served with a soy dipping sauce mixed with grated wasabi. Ikizukuri is a form of sashimi “prepared alive.” A live fish is made into sashimi, and then the slices are put back together so that the whole fish can be beautifully presented on the table. Other methods of preparation include arai, or thin slices of raw fish chilled in ice water, and tataki, fresh fish chopped into small pieces. In some regions, thin slices of horse meat are also served raw as sashimi.(意訳:新鮮な魚介類を生のまま薄く切って醤油などをつけて食べる料理.魚を生きたまま薄く切り,もとの姿に盛りつけた「活き作り」,薄く切った生の魚片を冷水や氷で洗って身を縮ませた「洗い」,包丁の刃で細かくたたいた「たたき」などの調理法がある.この他,馬肉も「馬刺(ばさし)」として食する地方もある)
fresh slices of raw tuna