❶〔宇宙の万物〕heaven, earth, and man; (the three basic elements of) the entire cosmos
❷〔生け花で〕the idea of heaven, earth, and man as the basis of 「the rules of [the levels of flower height in] flower arrangement
❶〔宇宙の万物〕heaven, earth, and man; (the three basic elements of) the entire cosmos
❷〔生け花で〕the idea of heaven, earth, and man as the basis of 「the rules of [the levels of flower height in] flower arrangement
[1973~ ]プロ野球選手。愛知の生まれ。本名、鈴木一朗。平成3年(1991)オリックスに入団。平成6年(1994)、当時のプロ野球新記録となる1シーズン210安打を放ち首位打者となる。平成13年(...
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