special dishes for New Year's Day
Osechi dishes are prepared at the end of the year for family gatherings on New Year's Day. Most of the items on the menu are not commonly eaten at other times of the year. An osechi meal consists of ingredients symbolizing New Year's wishes for happiness, health, and prosperity, and is usually served in tiered boxes. There are regional varieties of food, and the meal is served with ozoni, or rice cake soup, in most areas. The sake wine served on New Year's Day is called otoso.(意訳:正月に家族そろって食べる料理で,その食材には一年間の幸福や健康,子孫繁栄等の願いが込められている.年末に準備され,重箱に入れられる.料理は地方により,それぞれ特色が見られるが,雑煮をいっしょに食べることが多い.また,正月に飲む酒を御屠蘇(とそ)という)