rakugo; traditional comic storytelling; a rakugo story
Rakugo is a genre of classical Japanese storytelling. The hanashika, or rakugo performer, seated on a zabuton floor cushion, narrates a comic story, a human interest story, or a ghost story, playing all the characters himself. His only props, a hand towel and a folding fan, are used in various ways_in eating scenes, the fan is handled like chopsticks, for example. Each story ends with a punch line known as an ochi. Rakugo storytelling began in the Edo period, and now there are two regional styles: Edo (Tokyo) and Kamigata (Osaka). Rakugo performances can be enjoyed at yose (vaudeville theaters) along with manzai stand-up comedy acts, impressionist acts, magic, and other forms of entertainment.(意訳:噺家(はなしか)が話す滑稽話や人情話,怪談話のこと.噺家は座布団の上に座り,手ぬぐいと扇子を巧みに使って筋のある話を進め,最後に「落ち」をつけて終わりとする.江戸時代に起こり,いまでは江戸落語と上方落語に分かれている.落語は寄席という小演芸場で他の色物と呼ばれる漫才,物まね,手品などと一緒に上演される)
落語をやる tell a rakugo story
a comic storyteller