
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

European Union

欧州連合 EU (2013年7月1日にクロアチア、ブルガリアとルーマニアが新加盟して、加盟国は28か国となる。⇒EU, member state)

European Unionの用例

As a last-ditch measure to prevent the chaotic breakdown of Cyprus’s banking sector for the time being and secure financial assistance from the European Union, the Cypriot government decided on a plan to restructure the nation’s second-largest bank which has fallen into financial difficulties.

Faced with the danger of deflation, Japan, the United States and the European Union have all adopted expansionary economic policies.

Finance ministers from the European Union’s 27 countries agreed to give the European Central Bank the authority to supervise eurozone banks from March 2014.

Greece was bailed out temporarily with financial support of €110 billion (about ¥12.7 trillion) from the IMF and the European Union.

In European Union, it is obligatory for companies to have workers rest for 11 straight hours or more every 24 hours.

In terms of trade volume, South Korea is currently among the top 10 countries partly due to its efforts to promote free trade agreements with the United States, the European Union and others.

Japanese deluxe wagyu beef has started to hit the market in Europe due to the lifting of a ban on beef exports from Japan to the European Union.

Japan’s trade surplus with the European Union grew 29.7 percent in July to ¥372.8 billion after a 28.9 percent decrease in July.

Over gas supplies to Kiev from Russia, Ukraine and Russia will resume European Union-sponsored trilateral talks as the two countries couldn’t get a decisive breakthrough in their standoff.

Stringent fiscal austerity programs, such as the fiscal compact of 2012 which was imposed upon the European Union at the strong insistence of the German government, led to the recession in Europe.

The European Commission plans to start talks on a comprehensive partnership agreement between the United States and the European Union in the first half of 2013.

The European Union agreed to suspend economic sanctions against Myanmar for one year.

The European Union and the United States agreed at a summit meeting in November 2011 to establish a framework to encourage trade and investment.

The European Union’s 27 nations agreed to hand the ECB new powers to directly police at least 150 of the eurozone’s biggest banks after more than14 hours of talks.

The European Union will open an in-depth probe into Sony Corp. and Bertelsmann AG’s planned music unit merger.

There were potential knock-on effects of gas shortage for the European Union as Russia’s Gazprom had been threatening to cut off Ukraine’s gas.

Under the new fiscal compact imposed upon the European Union in 2012, the EU member states are obliged to trim public debt levels to 60 percent of their GDP over 20 years.

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