英和 用語・用例辞典の解説


国内総生産 (gross domestic productの略。⇒market player, private investment)



External demand has supported GDP growth in the past.

If the exchange rate remains around ¥90 to the dollar for the next 12 months, income equivalent to 0.6 percent of Japan’s GDP will flow overseas mainly due to higher fuel imports stemming from the suspension of nuclear power reactors.

Japan’s public debt burden is the worst among advanced economies and the combined deficit of the central and local governments for fiscal 2013 is expected to swell to a level of equivalent to 6.9 percent of GDP.

Nominal GDP reflects price fluctuations and is said to more accurately reflect the sentiment of households and companies.

Nominal growth in GDP has been less than real growth for three quarters.

The annualized nominal GDP growth marked the first decline in five quarters.

The 10 ASEAN economies have a population of 600 million and combined GDP in 2012 of $2.3 trillion, which is equivalent to 28 percent of the comparable figure for China.

The CBO said U.S. debt would continue to mount, staying at the highest levels as a percentage of GDP through the next decade, reaching 77 percent of GDP by fiscal 2023.

The improvement in the real GDP was mainly due to a recovery in exports and policy initiatives under the government’s stimulus packages.

The margin of decrease in the GDP in the April-June period was as large as that for the July-September quarter of 2001, during the last period of economic doldrums.

The outstanding balance of the combined long-term debts of the Japanese central and local governments stands at slightly less than ¥1 quadrillion, twice the size of the nation’s GDP.

The Philippines’ economy is in good shape largely owing to the remittances of about 10 million migrant Philippine workers abroad, which stimulate domestic personal consumption accounting for about 70 percent of the country’s GDP.

Turkey’s GDP has more than doubled and the country has raised its international status as one of the Group of 20 major economies, in the decade since Erdogan took office.

Under the new fiscal compact imposed upon the European Union in 2012, the EU member states are obliged to trim public debt levels to 60 percent of their GDP over 20 years.

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