
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

gross domestic product

国内総生産 GDP (GNPから海外からの純所得を差し引いたもの。⇒annualized basis, period, quarter, suffer, translate)

gross domestic productの用例

By starting talks on a comprehensive partnership agreement, the EU and the United States will take the first step toward creating a giant free trade zone that would account for about 50 percent of the world’s gross domestic product.

Due to the sharp rise in power generation costs and other factors, gross domestic product is expected to be pushed down by ¥30 trillion a year.

Gross domestic product grew by 1.5 percent in real terms in January-March from the previous quarter.

Japan’s gross domestic product contracted an annualized 3.5 percent in price- adjusted real terms during the third quarter compared to the previous period, posting declines for the second consecutive quarter.

The amount of capital contribution to the AIIB by each founding member country was calculated based on its economic power such as gross domestic product.

The Fiscal System Council set a target of halving the ratio of the primary budget balance deficits of the central and local governments to gross domestic product in fiscal 2015 from the level in fiscal 2010, and achieving a primary budget surplus in 2020.

The inflation rate in Japan has been hovering around zero for years and the nation’s nominal gross domestic product has dropped by more than ¥30 trillion from five years ago.

To achieve at least 2 percent nominal growth in gross domestic product, the government must take stimulus measures in tandem with the BOJ’s easy money policy.

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