英和 用語・用例辞典の解説
(名)手配 準備 打合せ 措置 取決め 協定 合意 契約 取りまとめ 調整 解決 示談 和議 和議手続き 債務整理 (⇒help)
It’s a big step forward toward a diplomatic solution to Iran’s nuclear development plan that Iran and other six countries, the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council and Germany, reached an agreement on a set of “first phase” arrangements for resolution of the problem.
Japan’s FX reserves have also been used to expand the financial base of the Chiang Mai Initiative, a multinational currency swap arrangement involving Japan, China and South Korea plus the ASEAN.
The government has upgraded currency swap arrangements with India and South Korea.
There are nonregular workers who prefer flexible work arrangements though they have to work in unstable jobs for low wages.
The retail stores which form chain-store contracts with a large manufacturing firm deal with all the products of the manufacturer and receive various services such as design of stores, store arrangement and free supply of samples.
The two airlines have agreed to enter into a code-sharing arrangement on international routes.
The two firms have built a relationship during a three-year business arrangement.
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