
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説


(動)信じる 思う 考える 正しい[本当だ]と思う 〜であると思う



America is not the world’s policeman. Terrible things happen across the globe, and it is beyond our means to right every wrong. But when, with modest effort and risk, we can stop children from being gassed to death, and thereby make our own children safer over the long run, I believe we should act.

As heightened expectations, the Japanese economy, which hit a peak in spring this year and then is believed to have entered a recessionary phase, may soon show signs of hitting bottom.

A sweet flag bath, which many people take on May 5th as a Japanese custom, is believed to ward off evil and purify the mind and body.

Both the ruling and opposition parties are preparing their plans to reform the civil servant system, one of the foundations of the nation, before the upper house election as they believe “civil servant bashing” will go down well with the public.

China’s actual military spending is believed to be more than double the official figure.

China seems to have used weapon-targeting radar on an MSDF vessel in the East China Sea believing that Japan would not fight back.

In Japan, about 20,000 out of 60,000 people who develop breast cancer annually are believed to undergo breast reconstruction surgery after the removal of breasts.

In Myanmar, as many as 140 World War II Spitfire fighter planes are believed to be buried in near-pristine condition.

Investigators’ coercive investigation methods taken by believing the accused to be the real perpetrator have resulted in false convictions.

Local weather fronts that did not appear on weather charts are also believed to have contributed to the creation of the deadly twister.

Many market players came to believe that BOJ Gov. Haruhiko Kuroda failed to present a concrete countermeasure to hold down the spike in long-term interest rates.

Many policymakers at the time of the Great Depression in the 1930s believed that the world economy would recover as they expected wage reductions to jump-start the automatic market adjusting mechanisms.

North Korea, the hermetic state, seems to believe that its survival depends on bolstering its nuclear deterrence capability by possessing atomic weapons and missiles to carry the payloads.

Summers is believed to have an inside track to the appointment of the next Federal Reserve chairman as Obama gave a strong defense of him at a closed-door meeting.

The company believes that its products can distinguish themselves from those of Chinese and Taiwan makers even if it relocates part of its production in China to Japan as demand for LCD panels that are high-quality, thin, light and low on power consumption has been strong.

The Corporate Governance Code, a set of guidelines for the conduct of listed companies which took effect in June 2015, calls for strengthening corporate governance through such means as effectively utilizing outside directors who are believed to be more independent than other board members.

The greenhouse effect of CFCs used as refrigerant gases in air conditioners and large refrigerators is believed to be hundreds of times to 10,000 times worse [stronger] than carbon dioxide.

The international teams of physicists have found a new subatomic particle consistent with the Higgs boson which is believed to confer mass.

The Japanese government will send a delegation to Pyongyang to examine progress in its reinvestigation on Japanese nationals abducted or believed to have been abducted to the reclusive country.

The police believe that these acts of violence and extortion by the bullies could constitute criminal offenses.

The suspect of an IT company employee is believed to have posted a murder threat on an Internet bulletin board.

We believe these commitments of resources are necessary to be successful in these markets.

出典 日外アソシエーツ「英和 用語・用例辞典」英和 用語・用例辞典について 情報


/bilíːv, bə-/


1 (他)〈話・人などを〉信じ(てい)る,そのとおりだと思う

believe a story

I don't believe a word of it.

So grown up! I can't believe it.

I believe you.

1a (自)信じ(てい)る,信念を持つ;信仰心を持つ

Seeing is believing.

2 (他)〈…と〉思う,考える,信じる≪that節/wh節≫;〔believe A (to be) B〕AがBだと思う

I can't [don't] believe ...=I can hardly believe ...

I believe that Mary arrives [will arrive] tomorrow.

It is widely believed that ....

“Is that Mary?” “I believe not [don't believe so].”

I believe him (to be) guilty.

I believe the story to be true.

3 (他)〔通例I believeで挿入的に〕((略式))たしか(…だと)思う(◆確信の度合いは薄く,I think とほぼ同じ)

John came later than Sue, I believe.

She isn't at home, I don't believe.
彼女は家にはいないでしょう(◆主節が否定文だと,I don't believeとなることがある)

believe in (自+)

1 〈神・事などの〉存在を信じる,〈宗教を〉信仰する

believe in God

I don't believe in the generation gap.

2 〈人を〉(人柄・能力の点で)信用[信頼]する

There's a big difference between believing someone and believing in him.

3 〈物・説などの〉価値を認める,…をよいと信じる

believe in exercising every day

believe it [me] or not


believe A of B


Believe (you) me.


Don't you believe it!


I believe you(,) thousands wouldn't.


If you believe that, you'd believe anything.


make believe

(…する/…という)ふりをする,らしく見せかける(pretend)≪to do/that節≫

Let's make believe that we are cowboys.

Would you believe it!


You'd better believe it.



(1) 51%〔~ that節/wh節〕believe (that) times have changed

(2) 26%〔~ [名]believe my eyes [me]

(3) 14%〔be believed to do〕be believed to cause diseases

(4) 5%〔~ in〕believe in his ability


出典 小学館「プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)」プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)について 情報 | 凡例





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