
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

civil war

国内紛争 内乱 内戦

civil warの用例

About 4 million people have fled Syria where a civil war continues to such countries as Turkey and Jordan.

As a new escalation in the spillover of Syria’s civil war, armed fighters linked to the Syrian opposition detained 21 U.N. peacekeepers from the Philippines.

As the United States would be drawn into a vicious civil war, the U.S. President Obama seems to be loath to order U.S. military action to protect civilians in Syria.

In Libya, militias armed with heavy weaponry, which outguns its poorly organized security forces, run wild, so the country is seeing its worst violence since the 2011 civil war.

In Syria, the clashes between the government‘s security forces and army deserters may escalate into a civil war.

In the post-Cold War period of 1990s, civil wars triggered mostly by ethnic, racial and religious conflicts surfaced as number one-concern of the United Nations and other relevant countries.

In Yemen which is located at the southern extremity of the Arabian Peninsula, a civil war between the Shiite Muslim rebel militants known as the Houthis and Sunnis has continued to intensify.

The communist government of Afghanistan was unable to sustain itself and civil war broke out after the Soviets left in February 1989.

The conclusions of the U.N. chemical weapons investigation team in Syria could have a dramatic impact on the trajectory of Syria’s civil war.

The EU is trying to slow down the influx of refugees and illegal migrants from the Middle East, Africa and elsewhere and build a system to support refugees in countries neighboring Syria, a country where a civil war continues.

The Nationalist Party (Kuomintang, or KMT) of China led by Chiang Kai-shek was defeated in a civil war with the Chinese Communist Party led by Mao Zedong and fled from the mainland to Taiwan in 1949.

To end Myanmar’s last major civil war, the Myanmar government reached a tentative peace deal with ethnic minority Kachin rebels.

U.S. President Barack Obama has been ramping up U.S. military involvement in Syria which has been mired in a three-year civil war.

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cívil wár

1 [C][U]内戦,内乱,市民戦争

the Spanish Civil War

2 〔the (American) C- W-〕《米史》南北戦争(◇1861-65)

2a 〔the (English) C- W-〕《英史》清教徒革命(◇Charles1世と国会との戦争;1642-49)

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