
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説


(動)検討する 討議する 議論する よく考える 熟慮する 考慮する 斟酌(しんしゃく)する 配慮する 〜と考える[思う、見なす、認定する] 想定する よく見る 尊重する 尊敬する



Adults aged 18-20 who are considered psychologically immature can be treated as juveniles under a German system.

Aeon Co. is considering a new business plan to open stores that will sell dramatically cut-priced own-brand items based on successful European business models.

A geological repository for burial deep underground is considered an ideal method of disposing of high-level radioactive waste as it releases intense radioactivity for a long period of time.

A government panel of experts is considering the creation of a Japanese version of the U.S. National Security Council, which Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has long sought.

Albeit not free from risk, the benefits of capital market liberalization were considered to outweigh costs.

A record 56 percent of respondents to a recent survey considered brain death to be the termination of human life.

As further countermeasures against Lee’s words and deeds, the Japanese government is considering such steps as postponing a Japan-South Korea summit meeting and intergovernmental consultations.

A significant number of firms are considering increasing the number of their recruits as the economy will improve particularly due to the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics.

Beijing which is enveloped in a brownish-grey smog is considered among the worst to live in due to chronic air pollution.

Depending on the degree of JAL’s financial deterioration, the government will consider a combination of capital reinforcement under the industrial revitalization law and public assistance by the Enterprise Turnaround Initiative Corp. of Japan.

During upcoming labor-management wage negotiations in 2014, Toyota is considering offering a base pay increase in excess of ¥3,000 compared with a base pay hike of ¥1,000 from 2006 to 2008.

Former justice minister considered exercising his right of command over the public prosecutor general to urge prosecutors to investigate the falsified investigative report scandal.

If the customers suffer from actual damages by the malfunction of computer systems, the banks should consider paying compensation for the delay of the money transfers.

If the surplus of power supply capacity is 3% or less this summer, power-saving steps must be considered.

If visa-free foreign intern students receive no wages, it’s difficult to consider it illegal employment.

If we consider a good balance of exports and imports, a desirable exchange rate between the yen and the U.S. dollar would be ¥95-¥105 to the dollar.

In European countries, newspapers and books are considered intellectual infrastructure for democracy.

In secretive North Korea, the country’s leader Kim Jong Un’s uncle Jang Song Thaek (the vice chairman of the National Defense Commission), considered the power behind the throne, is reported to be out of a job.

In the Abe administration, infrastructure exports including nuclear reactors and high-speed railway systems are considered a major pillar of Japan’s growth strategy.

In the next mayoral election, the current mayor is considered to be a cinch to be elected.

It is considered problematic that recidivism rates among the elderly are increasing.

It would also be wise to consider extending the period during which unemployment benefits are paid to job seekers who are receiving job training.

Los Angeles Angel’s two-way player of pitcher and batter Shohei Otani, who hit 46 homers, reached 100 RBIs, and had eight triples and 26 stolen bases, is considered a favorite for the American League MVP award.

One factor considered responsible for the recent stock market plunge is that foreign investors who purchased Japanese stocks in large quantities have started to sell their shareholdings.

STAP cells, which can be more easily and more efficiently produced than iPS cells, are considered to be at a lower risk of becoming cancerous than iPS cells.

Suntory Holdings Ltd. is considering listing its key unit on the Tokyo Stock Exchange in 2013.

Taiwan is considered to be a renegade province by China’s ruling Communist Party, so China has never ruled out the use of force to bring Taiwan under its wing.

The company considered switching purchases of chicken from Thailand to China following the ban on imports of Thai chicken.

The crush zones running below the Higashidori power plant of Tohoku Electric Power Co. are considered by some experts as being at risk of moving in tandem with a main active fault.

The EU considers retaliatory measures as a last resort.

The firm is considering revising its sales forecast upward with the prospect of economic recovery.

The firm may consider staff dismissals, terminating contracts with its workers as an unusual step, if the downsizing plan does not meet the objective again.

The five utilities’ projected percentages of power supply surpluses have fallen short of 3 percent which is the minimum considered necessary to avoid such problems as major power outages.

The Foreign Ministry’s classified documents possibly stolen from its computer include conference materials that could be considered class-2 information in terms of confidentiality according to the government’s standard classification.

The government and the Bank of Japan are considering joint market intervention with the U.S. and European monetary authorities to produce the greater results of their market intervention.

The government has been considering mandating the use of GPS monitoring devices among repeat sex offenders as a way of preventing recidivism and alleviating the anxiety of sex crime victims.

The government is considering implementing forced power-saving measures including rolling blackouts and power usage restrictions as serious power shortages are expected this summer.

The Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry intends to consider reclassifying some prescription drugs as over-the-counter ones, sources said.

The high court‘s decision over the case of a May 2008 murder is considered to be consistent with the cardinal rule of criminal trials, which gives the defendant the benefit of the doubt.

The leading index comprises such indicators as job offers, new orders for machinery and housing starts, which are considered indicative of how the economy will perform for the next three to six months.

The practices such as imposing an urban lockdown or banning going out, carried out in Wuhan, are not considered now in Japan.

The risk of developing cancer is considered very low if the annual radiation exposure is below the level of 20 millisieverts.

The TSE will consider taking punitive measures, such as revoking trading licenses, restricting business or imposing fines if any violations of the law or TSE rules are found in the inspections of major securities firms.

The turnover rate of a company can be considered to be one of the important indicators of whether it’s exploitative because black firms tend to hire young workers en masse, assuming that most of them will quit before long.

Though his remarks at the press conference were considered thoughtless, some of them do not necessarily deserve strong criticism.

Though it seems to be a long shot, Donald Kohn, a former Federal Reserve vice chairman, is being considered as another candidate for Fed chair.

Under the food self-sufficiency rate on a calorie basis, even beef and pork from animals raised in Japan are not considered domestic products if they consumed imported feed.

Your Party will consider cutting pension benefits for high-income earners to curb benefits.

出典 日外アソシエーツ「英和 用語・用例辞典」英和 用語・用例辞典について 情報




1 (他)〈案・問題などを〉熟考[熟慮]する,考察する,〈…することを〉検討する≪doing≫,〈…かどうか〉よく考える≪wh節≫;(自)熟考する,じっくり考える

We considered his suggestion.

We considered going tomorrow but finally decided against it.

He is considering whether he should go to France.

Consider what to do [what you should do].

Let me consider for a moment.

2 (他)…とみなす(◆通例受身形不可),…を(…と)みなす,考える≪to be≫,〈…だと〉考える≪that節≫

consider oneself lucky

We consider him (to be) a hero.=We consider that he is a hero.
彼は英雄だと思う(◆「…を…とみなす」の意味ではconsider ... as ...の型も用いられる;この型は特に受身形に多い:He is considered as a hero.)

I considered that it would be better to go to see her.

I consider him to have behaved badly.

2a (他)〔wellなどを伴って;しばしば受身形で〕…を重んじる,尊重する

3 (他)…を考慮に入れる,〈…ということを/…かどうかを〉斟酌(しんしゃく)する≪that節/wh節≫

If we consider that [the fact that] he is only ten years old, he swims very well.

4 (他)((形式))…に注意[関心]を払う,注目する,〈人(の気持ち)を〉思いやる;(自)注視する

consider the rights of others

all things considered


Consider it done.





出典 小学館「プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)」プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)について 情報 | 凡例

中国のゴビ砂漠などの砂がジェット気流に乗って日本へ飛来したとみられる黄色の砂。西日本に多く,九州西岸では年間 10日ぐらい,東岸では2日ぐらい降る。大陸砂漠の砂嵐の盛んな春に多いが,まれに冬にも起る。...
