英和 用語・用例辞典の解説
department store
百貨店 デパート (=departmental store)
department storeの用例
A product sold in five department stores was pointed out as a counterfeit.
Counterfeit brand products are suspected to have been sold at the special venue areas of five department stores which dealt with the same general merchandise sales company.
Department stores are vying for customers by promoting gifts with a touch of luxury, with Mother’s Day approaching.
False labeling of food items at restaurants and food sections in department stores was revealed in 2013.
In a stark contrast to department stores where expensive items such as art and jewelry are selling well thanks to Abenomics, consumers still go for low-priced items at supermarkets.
In response to a series of false labeling cases at hotels, department stores and elsewhere, the Consumer Affairs Agency will introduce a system to impose administrative monetary penalties on those involved in food mislabeling.
Sales of department stores nationwide in January 2014 increased for the third consecutive month on a like-for-like basis from the previous year.
The department store is wall-to-wall shoppers today.
The product sold at specially created venues within the department store was different from the genuine article in the texture and the feel of the materials.
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