
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説


(名)政府 政治 政権 内閣 行政 国政 (⇒local government, Resolution 1546)



After a Chinese airplane intruded into Japanese airspace, the Japanese government lodged a strong protest with the Chinese government through diplomatic channels.

A government panel of experts is considering the creation of a Japanese version of the U.S. National Security Council, which Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has long sought.

A new government will be launched following the House of Representatives election, with the Japanese economy left in uncertainty.

As soon as the Democratic Party of Japan took the reins of government, former Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama promoted a misguided “politician-led decision making” principle.

As the Baghdad government battles a resurgence of Al-Qaida linked militants, the United States will speed up its deliveries of missiles and surveillance drones to Iraq.

A surplus in the primary balances of the central and local governments indicates a degree of fiscal soundness.

At Kansai Electric Power Co.’s shareholders meeting, the Osaka city government, the utility’s largest shareholder, made a proposal demanding thorough information disclosure.

Challenges that cannot be left pending by any government are fiscal rehabilitation and a consumption tax increase.

Commodity loans are used to import commodities such as industrial machinery, industrial raw materials, fertilizer, agricultural chemicals and machinery, and other various kinds of machinery, which are agreed upon beforehand between the Japanese and recipient governments.

Each board of education of prefectural, city, town and village governments consists of five members appointed by their local government chiefs.

Even if returned to the helm of government, the LDP will not have a majority in the upper house.

Foreign exchange market intervention by governments and central banks is undesirable.

For the Palestinian autonomous government, it has a significant symbolic meaning to be treated as a state at the United Nations.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholtz’s new coalition government was formed with the environmentalist Greens and the center-right Free Democratic Party (FDP).

In a confidence vote, Italy’s former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi threw his support behind the government of Premier Enrico Letta by making stunning about-face.

In a flurry of decrees after he returned to the presidency, Putin ordered Russia’s government to shake up state-run industries.

In the Philippines, economic conditions have improved with President Benigno Aquino at the helm of the government. But the unemployment rate remains high at around 7 percent as the creation of new jobs does not match the rise in its working-age population.

Israeli government authorized the call-up of tens of thousands of reservists while it moved troops and heavy weapons toward Gaza Strip.

Italy’s new government led by economist Mario Monti must face painful financial reforms.

Newspapers are public organs to support democracy by providing information on the policies of central and local governments and carrying various opinions on a number of issues.

No prospects for curbing the spread of turmoil throughout the Middle East are yet in sight as one government after another fails in Arab nations.

Obama’s spendthrift, big-government policies have hurt business and caused the federal deficit to soar.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas wants to take advantage of the U.N. resolution to upgrade Palestine’s status to an observer state to recover his government’s political clout.

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney is a “small government” advocate.

So long as the North Korea’s authoritarian government responds in kind, South Korea will try to build trust.

Thai military has seized full power by ignoring democratic procedures and toppling the government by force, so the military clearly lacks legitimacy.

The Cabinet Intelligence and Research Office supervises information handled by the whole government, but it is regarded as an outpost of the National Police Agency.

The Cypriot government was forced to present an alternative to the tax on bank deposits demanded by the EU as the government bill to exclude smaller accounts from the taxation was rejected by parliament.

The damages lawsuit will end in a total defeat for the plaintiffs as the Supreme Court has decided to dismiss an appeal by the plaintiffs against the government.

The DPJ-led government has introduced an income compensation system for individual rice farming households.

The entire government intends to make maximum efforts to reactivate idle nuclear reactors after their safety is confirmed.

The Fair Trade Commission’s planned order for construction firms to stop bid-rigging on public works projects represents an effort to reform the long-existing corrupt practice involving the city government.

The federal government will initially make a spending cut of $900 billion, while it will raise the debt ceiling by the same amount immediately.

The Fiscal System Council set a target of halving the ratio of the primary budget balance deficits of the central and local governments to gross domestic product in fiscal 2015 from the level in fiscal 2010, and achieving a primary budget surplus in 2020.

The government and the BOJ should step up their vigilance against the worse of the domestic economy and make all-out efforts to revive economic growth.

The government deported Chinese anti-Japan activists to avoid a two-pronged fight with China and South Korea after Japan-South Korea relations became strained over the Takeshima islands.

The government is required to act quickly to prevent the economy from worsening.

The government plans to take the sovereignty row over the Takeshima islands to the International Court of Justice.

The governments of Libya, Syria and Yemen were rocked by public demonstrations aimed at ousting dictators.

The government’s policy of ending reliance on nuclear power generation will accelerate the hollowing-out of industry and hamper nuclear power plant exports.

The government’s tough restrictions on competition and setting the bar high for new entrants into the taxi industry seem to be in response to appeals from existing taxi operators.

The government transferred the collection of national pension premiums, which had been entrusted to municipal governments, to the central government.

The government was ordered by the Tokyo District Court to pay about ¥1 billion in damages to asbestos victims of former construction workers and bereaved families of dead workers.

The government will bolster the Japan Coast Guard’s policing abilities to stably maintain and manage the Senkaku Islands.

The government will grapple with the problem of a severe employment situation in a bid to secure jobs.

The government will hold back the spending of ¥5 trillion including tax grants allocated to prefectural governments and subsidies for independent administrative entities over three months from September.

The government will raise the consumption tax rate from 5 percent to 8 percent in April 2014 as planned.

The government will respond firmly to illegal intrusions on Japanese territory including the use of the Self-Defense Forces if necessary.

The independence of the central bank will be undermined if the government is given the power to dismiss the bank governor.

The latest lower house election outcome which brought the change of government seems to reflect voter’s desire to see politicians get their act together.

The Muslim Brotherhood failed to govern Egypt by respecting popular sovereignty, although it took the helm of government through an election.

The new government is needed to implement drastic monetary and fiscal steps that go beyond conventional thinking as past administrations have failed to beat deflation and rectify the extreme appreciation of the yen.

The pillar of the Arab League road map for peace to stabilize Syria is transferring power from Syrian President Assad to his vice president and forming a national unity government.

The presiding judge said the district court suspended the prison sentences on the defendants as they had already paid back to the state the amount of damages the government sustained in the fraud.

There are pros and cons on the SDF’ adoption of cruise missiles within both the Japanese and U.S. governments. But the bottom line is that the SDF and U.S. military must reexamine their roles from the standpoint of buttressing the Japan-U.S. alliance.

The recent pivot of Myanmar from China toward the West and the country’s more open government came as a surprise.

The revised law empowers the government to issue orders to taxi operators, including owner-driver taxis, which fail to comply with the plans of reducing taxi fleets and restricting business hours.

The Tokyo metropolitan government plans to compile a report on measures to prevent sediment disaster by setting up a panel to discuss the measures.

The Tokyo metropolitan government received many inquiries on similar cases last year.

The withdrawal of the ISAF’s combat troops may lead to a weakened government and a resurgence of the former ruling Taliban group.

To preserve the environment of Mt. Fuji, a World Heritage site, the Shizuoka and Yamanashi prefectural governments will collect ¥1,000 per climber in principle as a voluntary admission fee.

To prevent further illegal intrusions onto the Senkaku Islands, members of the government must share the same recognition of what is at stake and establish a system to quickly eliminate illegal acts.

Trilateral cooperation between industry, academia and the government is crucial to steadily advance iPS R&D projects.

U.N. envoy to Iraq Lakhdar Brahimi briefed the U.N. Security Council on plans for a caretaker government.

With the enactment of the secrecy protection law, united rules covering the entire government have been put in place to protect state secrets concerning defense, diplomacy and anti-espionage and antiterrorism activities.

出典 日外アソシエーツ「英和 用語・用例辞典」英和 用語・用例辞典について 情報


/ɡʌ́vərnmənt, -vərmənt/


1 [U](国家などの)支配,統治,施政,行政,政治;統治権

government of the people, by the people, for the people
国民のための,国民による,国民の統治(◆Lincolnの Gettysburg Address より)

be in government

1a [C]〔しばしばG-;集合的に〕統治機関,政府;(英国などの議会制度で)内閣(cabinet);政府当局[機関],関係官庁

a state government

a coalition [a single-party, a puppet] government

form a government

The government has [have] fallen.

1b [U]政治体制,政体

parliamentary government

1c [U]政治学(political science

1d 〔~s〕((米))=government securities

2 [U](組織などの)管理,運営

the government of a university

2a [C](組織などの)管理[運営]機関,執行部,理事会

3 [U]《文法》支配;(生成文法の)統率

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