
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説


(名)出来事 事件 事故 紛争 問題 (⇒refer)



According to aides to Putin, Putin is incandescent as Turkish President Erdogan has yet to apologize for the incident.

According to an interim report on the new National Defense Program Guidelines, the number of defense attaches in Japanese embassies overseas will be increased to increase human intelligence capabilities, in view of the Algerian hostage incident in January 2013 in which Japanese citizens were victims.

According to Kazuhisa Ogawa, a military affairs analyst and project professor at the University of Shizuoka, Japan has virtually no systematic channel through which to obtain information on hostage-taking incident at a natural gas complex in Algeria.

Arrest warrants have been issued for the former Aum Supreme cult member in connection with five incidents, including the March 1995 sarin gas attack on Tokyo’s subway system.

As a horrifying incident, the body of a 5-year-old boy reduced to a skeleton was discovered in an apartment.

A series of odd incidents which could only occur in live broadcasting happened one after another during the earliest days of television before the emergence of audiovisual recording technology.

As incidents in which unaccounted-for infants died after being abused are increasing, the health ministry called on local governments to conduct a fact-finding survey regarding unaccounted-for children under 18.

As one of a series of incidents involving LDP Diet members under the former Abe administration, Tsukasa Akimoto, a House of Representatives member, was indicted on bribery charges in connection with a project for an integrated resort with a casino.

At an extraordinary shareholders meeting, Maruha Nichiro Holdings Inc. President Toshio Kushiro expressed his deep regret for a food poisoning incident caused by a frozen food products unit, Aqli Foods Corp.

Food imports from China declined sharply after the poisoned frozen gyoza incident, but now the figure has almost returned to the levels recorded prior to the incident.

Incidents in which children are involved in heinous crimes never cease to happen.

In the incident involving a freight train derailment in September in 2013, falsified data was reported to the Japan Transport Safety Board by JR Hokkaido.

In the second Senate impeachment trial against Donald Trump, the 45th president of the United States, Democratic lawmaker from the House of Representatives who served as a prosecutor showed footage from the day of the Capitol occupancy incident and said Trump’s guilt was clear, while the defense team argued that an impeachment trial after a president has left office would be unconstitutional.

In the spate of computer virus incidents in which Tor was used, there has been no actual progress in tracking online the true culprit hiding in cyberspace.

Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama asked the Chinese side to exercise self-restraint to prevent similar incidents.

Regarding unauthorized access to the computers of a leading electronics maker by a Chinese-affiliated hacker group, thorough elucidation of the incident is called for.

Speaking of a series of incidents or suspicions surrounding “politics and money” under the Abe administration, LDP Diet members’ lack of a normative awareness is nothing short of surprising.

Such incidents as the alleged rape by U.S. servicemen will not stop occurring unless the Japan-U.S. Status of Forces Agreement is drastically reviewed.

The curtains have come down on the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games, the world biggest sports [sporting] extravaganza, without major incidents.

The Financial Services Agency will tighten regulations over insider trading, following a series of illegal trading incidents involving the leakage of companies’ internal information by major securities firms.

The firm’s financial statements did not properly disclose important information concerning the fund misappropriation incident by its former chief executive officer.

The incident involving the food poisoning of Chinese frozen gyoza resulted from the deliberate injection of a toxic substance into the gyoza at the Chinese factory.

The Japanese government lodged protests over the incidents of China’s use of fire-control radar to the Chinese government through diplomatic channels.

The Japanese government revealed the incident of China’s use of fire-control radar on a MSDF destroyer to the public to convey China’s provocative actions to the world.

The latest Senkaku incident could develop into anti-Japan protests throughout China.

The Liutiaohu Incident which took place 81 years ago in Shenyang, Liaoning Province triggered the Manchurian Incident.

There is plenty of physical evidence and eyewitness testimony, Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson said regarding the incident in which an unarmed black teenager was shot dead by a police officer.

The suspect sent e-mails to news media and a lawyer, claiming to be the true perpetrator behind the remote-control virus incidents.

The United States should take concrete measures to reinforce the discipline of U.S. servicemen further to prevent similar incidents from happening again.

To investigate three alleged incidents of chemical attacks in Syria, the United Nations made behind-the-scenes talks aimed at getting chemical experts on the ground.

To prevent any repeat occurrence of the terrorist attack and hostage-taking incident launched by an armed Islamist group in Algeria, it is essential to get to the bottom of the incident.

Two of the four men mistakenly arrested in the remote-control virus incidents seem to have been coerced by the police and made false confessions.

出典 日外アソシエーツ「英和 用語・用例辞典」英和 用語・用例辞典について 情報




1 [C][U](主に不快な)出来事,騒動,事故,重大[暴力]事件(⇒event[類語]

a serious [an isolated] incident

nuclear incidents

without incident

1a [C](小説などの中の)エピソード,挿話

2 [C](国家間の)紛争,軍事衝突,事変;((遠回しに))戦争,暴動

a racial [border] incident

3 [C]《法律》付帯条件,付帯権利[義務]


1 〔叙述〕(…に)伴い[あり]がちな,付きものの;《法律》(…に)付帯[付随]する≪to

2 《物理学》〈光線・放射線などが〉(…に)投射[入射]する≪on




出典 小学館「プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)」プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)について 情報 | 凡例

中国のゴビ砂漠などの砂がジェット気流に乗って日本へ飛来したとみられる黄色の砂。西日本に多く,九州西岸では年間 10日ぐらい,東岸では2日ぐらい降る。大陸砂漠の砂嵐の盛んな春に多いが,まれに冬にも起る。...
