英和 用語・用例辞典の解説
(形)新規の 新しい 買ったばかりの 人に知られていない 不案内の 新任の 珍しい 不慣れな ニュー
Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Argentina, who was elected as new Pope by the conclave of cardinals at the Vatican, took the name Francis and became the first non-European pontiff in nearly 1,300 years.
Following a recent spate of insider trading scandals, the Japan Securities Dealers Association was prompted to take a new look at its regulatory scheme.
If a new federal debt ceiling isn’t set by Aug. 2, 2011, the United States will be forced to default on Treasuries securities as it will not be able to issue new bonds to pay back maturing government debts.
In new sovereign debt ratings by Germany’s Bertelsmann Foundation, Japan earned a score of 6 on a scale of one to ten, equivalent to A minus on the rating scales adopted by major international ratings agencies.
In order not to let China get the upper hand in a territorial dispute over the Senkakus, the Foreign Ministry opened a new banner labeled “Japan-China relations: Current situation of the Senkaku Islands” on the homepage of its website.
The BOJ’s monetary policy touts drastic monetary easing with a “new dimension.”
The COP18 agreed on a plan to create a new framework for rules on cuts in greenhouse gas emissions to replace the Kyoto Protocol.
The recommendations of a subcommittee of the Justice Ministry’s Legislative Council propose an expansion of wiretapping to cover new and fast-rising types of organized crime such as bank transfer scams.
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