
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

nuclear energy

核エネルギー 原子力 原発 (=atomic energy)

nuclear energyの用例

It’s Iran’s insistence that the country also has a right to maintain a uranium enrichment program for peaceful utilization of nuclear energy.

Renewable power which is highly inefficient cannot replace nuclear energy at a reasonable cost.

The government came in for a barrage of criticism after it adopted an innovative energy and environmental strategy to reduce its reliance on nuclear energy to zero.

Under the worst-case scenario in which Japan chooses a policy of totally eliminating nuclear energy by 2030, the country’s industry will inevitably cease and people will lose jobs and fall into poverty.

With the main point at issue being how to realize the final disposal of spent nuclear fuels, a clamorous debate among laymen continues to rage on the future of nuclear energy.

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