英和 用語・用例辞典の解説
(名)速度 速さ 進度 スピード 足並み 足取り 一歩 (一歩の)歩幅 歩き方 テンポ 歩調 率 (階段の)踊り場 ペース (動)行ったり来たりする 〜を歩測する 歩幅で測る (ある速度に)調整する (自動)ゆっくり歩く 行ったり来たりする 巡回する ペースメーカーになる (⇒keep pace with)
After a news conference following the BOJ’s policy meeting, the market reacted favorably and the Nikkei 225 index in the Tokyo market climbed sharply, while the pace of the yen’s depreciation was spurred rapidly.
After U.S. Federal Reserve Board Chairman Ben Bernanke indicated the possibility of scaling down asset purchases as part of quantitative easing, followed by a rise in U.S. long-term interest rates to over 2 percent, moves to sell Japanese government bonds gained pace.
Business sentiment among large Japanese firms improved in the April-June quarter from the first three months of 2009 at a fast pace.
Eurozone countries whose economies are suffering from the euro’s appreciation likely will criticize Japan if the yen falls further at a faster pace again.
Fighters become obsolete in terms of combat ability in about 10 years as innovations in military technology have advanced at a rapid pace.
Innovations in military technology have advanced at a rapid pace in recent years.
It is the real face of India that it’s difficult for power plants and grid systems to be expanded fast enough to keep up with the high economic pace.
Japan’s overall exports in April-September 2014 increased 1.7 percent from a year earlier to ¥35.9 trillion, while imports grew at a faster pace of 2.5 percent to ¥41.32 trillion.
Kirobo, a therapy humanoid robot which is programmed to process questions and select words from its vocabulary to construct an answer, put through its paces by speaking in Japanese with astronaut Koichi Wakata on the International Space Station.
Under QE3, the Fed purchases Treasury and mortgage-backed bonds of $85 billion at a monthly pace.
With the Japanese economy left in uncertainty, the new government will be required to adopt pump-priming measures to keep pace with the Bank of Japan, while the central bank will be asked to watch and deal with the economy with even more care.
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