
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説


(前)〜に関しては 〜については 〜関連では 〜に関する 〜についての


As incidents in which unaccounted-for infants died after being abused are increasing, the health ministry called on local governments to conduct a fact-finding survey regarding unaccounted-for children under 18.

Bones of contention regarding the consumption tax are not confined to such issues as the rate and timing of its introduction.

During the upper house election campaign period, a fierce war of words regarding Abenomics could erupt.

Regarding Article 96 which stipulates procedures for constitutional amendments, the LDP must explain its stance more thoroughly to win over the people.

Regarding decisions on life-saving treatment for terminal patients, the will of each patient currently has to be respected.

Regarding Egypt’s new Constitution established under the initiative of President Morsi, a former leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, secular and liberal elements have vigorously protested against the Constitution as it strongly emphasizes Islamic values, such as prohibiting “insults to the Prophet Mohammed.”

Regarding Iran’s suspected nuclear weapons development plans, Iran has refused to halt its uranium enrichment, a destabilizing factor in the Middle East.

Regarding Okinawa Prefecture, the fiscal 2015 budget for aiding the economic development of Okinawa was trimmed to ¥330 billion due to some money left unused in earlier years.

Regarding territorial and maritime issues, U.S. Vice President Joe Biden said during the U.S.-China strategic and economic dialogue that the future of freedom of navigation will depend on how China deals with territorial disputes with its neighboring countries.

Regarding the easy-money measure which has been in place since December 2008, the Fed will not lift short-term interest rates from zero until the unemployment rate shrinks to 6.5 percent.

Regarding the first agreement with Iran since the start of negotiations in 2008 on Iran’s suspected nuclear weapons development plans, Israel and U.S. congressional hard-liners fiercely protested the accord in its entirety.

Regarding the recent trespassers in the Senkaku Islands, no Chinese activists were harmed in line with the government’s initial policy.

Regarding the remarks of LDP President Shinzo Abe, there is a nagging concern that the LDP might ask the Bank of Japan to cover the government’s deficits if the party returns to power.

Regarding the Senkaku Islands, China insists that the islands, which were seized from Taiwan by Japan during the Sino-Japanese War (1894-1895) should be returned to China so long as Japan accepted the Potsdam Declaration.

Regarding unauthorized access to the computers of a leading electronics maker by a Chinese-affiliated hacker group, thorough elucidation of the incident is called for.

The LDP and DPJ have called for improvement on a calorific intake basis regarding the indicator of Japan’s food self-sufficiency rate.

The new Xi administration is required to immediately exert self-restraint regarding China’s coercive diplomatic tactics.

There has been a fierce tug-of-war between Japan and China regarding the framework of the East Asian community.

There is plenty of physical evidence and eyewitness testimony, Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson said regarding the incident in which an unarmed black teenager was shot dead by a police officer.

The ruling and opposition parties should hold consultations to improve the legal system regarding secrets before the intelligence protection law takes effect.

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