
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説


(動)必要とする 要求する 迫る 求める 義務付ける (⇒flexible)



Access to genetic resources requires prior informed consent of the country of origin.

According to the Financial Stability Board, 28 banks viewed as global systemically important financial institutions (G-SIFIs) will be subject to a new global rule requiring them to hold extra capital to prevent future financial crises.

A Japanese NSC will deal with matters that require sensitive handling such as mobilizing the Self-Defense Forces.

Amid public calls for eliminating the waiting lists for licensed day care centers, it is required to create an environment in which more people can raise their children while continuing their careers.

A review of Japan’s social security system, under which nothing is off-limits, will be required to ensure that the system is sustainable.

As a sex crime countermeasure, several U.S. states have laws requiring habitual sex offense parolees to wear GPS bracelets.

China is required to handle the matter of the Senkaku Islands in a level-headed manner and resolve the situation as soon as possible.

Companies are required to further hone their business strategies to overcome new challenges confronting Japanese industries.

Compared with the time needed for wind power or geothermal power generation, solar power generation has the advantage of requiring less time to get from the planning stage to actual generation.

Crews of an MSDF destroyer or helicopter are required to take evasive action when the fire-control radar is used toward it.

Despite the fact that automotive exhaust accounts for a sharply shrinking proportion of air pollution, some state environmental agencies would mandate the sale of a certain number of electric cars, they would propose use of alternative fuels that are not required by the Clean Air Act, or they would develop “trip reduction” plans that go so far as to fine businesses that don’t get enough employees to carpool.

Domestic electronics manufacturers are required to retool with bold new growth strategies as the performance of them continues to deteriorate.

Every temporary staffing company is required to obtain government authorization under the revised worker dispatch law though some companies were allowed to operate just by registering with authorities concerned.

Flexible market intervention depending on market trends and bold additional monetary easing measures are required to prevent the yen from becoming even stronger and to underpin business activity.

Former BOJ Gov. Masaaki Shirakawa adhered to the convention of making interest rates the target of monetary policy because the central bank would be required to purchase an infinite amount of government bonds if the target were changed to the money supply.

From the standpoint of protecting the global environment and maintaining domestic energy self-sufficiency, the supply of green energy including water, solar and wind power as well as geothermal power and natural gas will be required to be further increased.

If the Komeito and the LDP agree to form a coalition government after the lower house election, the former may put a leash on LDP President Abe by including a clause of requiring the LDP not to deviate from the conventional government view on security as his policies tend to lean strongly to the right.

In affiliated loans, banks are required to void the transactions by demanding credit loan companies repay the loans if the banks find problems with their loan customers.

In establishing a Japanese NSC, its secretariat would be required to reinforce its system by training and developing staff specialized in policymaking and crisis management.

In proposed changes to the criminal justice system, investigative authorities are likely to be required to record audio and video of the entire interrogation of suspects.

In some states of the United States, sexual offenders are required to register with local authorities and reveal their status to local residents.

Internationally active banks are required to have capital adequacy ratios of at least 8 percent under rules stipulated by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS).

In the case of South Korea, sexual offenders released from prison are required to carry Global Positioning System tracking devices to make their whereabouts known.

It would require substantial legal revisions, such as to the Local Tax Law and the Local Allocation Tax Law, to create an Osaka metropolis.

Since electronic money requires safeguards against unauthorized use and counterfeiting, encryption technology, on the software side, and IC cards, on the hardware side, represent essential technologies.

Since the poisoned gyoza case came to light in 2008, some Japanese companies in China have adopted measures to prevent toxic substances from contaminating their products by setting up security cameras at their factories and requiring workers to wear pocketless working uniforms.

Skimming requires the use of special devices set in ATMs or stores that read data on ATM cards.

The appointments of the BOJ’s governor and two deputy governors require majority approval from both chambers of the Diet.

The approval of at least two-thirds of the members of each house prior to a special referendum is required of a revision of the Constitution by the Diet’s initiation.

The article 96 of the Constitution stipulates that a concurring vote of two-thirds or more of all members of both Diet members is required for proposing amendments.

The Atomic Bomb Dome of Hiroshima, a registered World Cultural and Natural Heritage site, is required to be preserved as it was following the atomic bombing on Aug. 6, 1945.

The Container and Packaging Recycle Law formulated in 1995 requires businesses to recycle product packaging.

The DPJ is required to end its arrogant Diet management.

The government is required to act quickly to prevent the economy from worsening.

The government is required to conduct public relations activities tenaciously to counter China’s propaganda campaign on the Senkaku Islands.

The government is to add the oil industries to the list of“key infrastructure”that requires greater protective measures, taking its cue from lessons from the 2011 earthquake.

The 2003 Health Promotion Act [Law] requires the operators of public facilities, including restaurants and hospitals, to make efforts toward combating secondhand smoke, but it has no penalties for failure to do so.

The Kyoto Protocol requires industrial nations to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide.

The new LDP government is required to set a realistic target for cuts in greenhouse gas emissions to replace the current one and reshape a strategy for international negotiations on this matter.

The new Xi administration is required to immediately exert self-restraint regarding China’s coercive diplomatic tactics.

The rule of asset impairment accounting requires companies to post valuation losses on fixed assets whose market value has fallen sharply from their book value.

The Trump administration rescinded a regulation policy requiring foreign students to transfer or leave the country if their schools hold classes entirely online due to the coronavirus pandemic.

The UNSC resolution requiring Syria to give up its chemical weapons passed after two weeks of white-knuckle negotiations and marked a major breakthrough in the paralysis which has gripped the council.

To improve corporate value which is a common goal for firms and shareholders, they are required to accelerate management reform amid their tense relationship.

To solve such problems as the North Korean and Iranian nuclear development programs, cooperation between the United States and Russia is required.

Ukraine will be required to increase its gas reserves from a current 13.5 billion cubic meters to about 200 billion cubic meters in order to get through the winter.

Under the common number system, citizens will not be required to submit documents such as residence and income certificates when applying for pension and other welfare benefits, so the benefits of the system are also significant for citizens.

Under the current system, companies are required to pay recycling fees when they scrap PCs.

Under the mark-to-market accounting system, if banks suffer appraisal losses of stocks they are holding, they are required to subtract 60 percent of those losses from their surplus funds.

Universities are required of improving their quality of education by carrying out the recommendations of the Central Council of Education.

Universities are required to work on comprehensive syllabus planning to stimulate students’ intellectual curiosity.

What is required now in carrying out agricultural reforms is to take measures to ensure farmers have a stable source of income and to secure agricultural workers.

With the Japanese economy left in uncertainty, the new government will be required to adopt pump-priming measures to keep pace with the Bank of Japan, while the central bank will be asked to watch and deal with the economy with even more care.

出典 日外アソシエーツ「英和 用語・用例辞典」英和 用語・用例辞典について 情報




1 …を要する,〈…することを〉要する≪doing≫,〈事情などが〉〈…することを/…ということを〉必要とする≪to do/that節≫(◆need より改まった語)

The president's approval is required for this.

The floor requires washing.

His injury requires that he (should) wear a neck brace.

2 〔しばしば受身形で〕…を(人に)(権利・職権によって)要求する≪of≫,〈規則・法律などが〉〈人に〉(…するように)命じる,要請する≪to do≫,〈…ということを〉命じる,要請する,余儀なくさせる≪that節≫

Students need to know what is required of them.

The book is required reading for this course.

He requires the students to present their papers.=He requires that the students (should) present their papers.

Recruiting officers are required to follow strict rules.


The law requires the companies to report ....

→The companies are required by the law to report ....

→The requirement of the law is that the companies must [should] report ....

3 ((形式・主に英))…を望む,ほしい






出典 小学館「プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)」プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)について 情報 | 凡例





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