英和 用語・用例辞典の解説
(名)詐欺(fraud) 取り込み詐欺 詐欺事件 ペテン 不正 悪徳商法 悪だくみ 噂(うわさ) スキャンダル (動)詐欺を働く (人を)ペテンにかける (金を)だまし取る 詐取(さしゅ)する (女を)ナンパする 引っかける (⇒fraud, garner)
In a bid to clamp down on bank-transfer scams, the police asked financial institutions not to allow people whose faces are obscured with sunglasses or masks to use ATMs.
In America where the Social Security number system is in place, a number of scams, in which numbers are stolen to take out loans in identity theft crimes, have occurred.
In an effort to fight the rapid growth of “It’s me” scams, the outline of a new bill to regulate the use and sale of prepaid cell phones was announced.
Katokichi Co. lost billions of yen as a result of a circular sales transaction scam involving the firm’s former managing director.
“Ore, ore” (It’s me calling) telephone scams are on the rise.
The recommendations of a subcommittee of the Justice Ministry’s Legislative Council propose an expansion of wiretapping to cover new and fast-rising types of organized crime such as bank transfer scams.
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