
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

side effect

副作用 副次的効果 (ワクチンの)副反応(接種後の筋肉痛、頭痛、倦怠感やアナフィラキシー反応と呼ばれるアレルギー症状) (=adverse reaction, side reaction;⇒moral hazard)

side effectの関連語句

side effectの用例

Avigan is to be approved by the government as a therapeutic medication for the new coronavirus. But administering the drug to pregnant women must be avoided as its side effects including fetal malformation are reported.

Bereaved family members filed a damages lawsuit against the government and the importer and seller of the lung cancer drug Iressa, claiming that patients died from side effects of the drug.

By collecting medical information on 10 million cases from 10 medical institutions around the country, the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry will create a database of patients’ medical information to obtain accurate picture of the occurrence of side effects from medical drugs.

Domestic vaccine makers are expressing dissatisfaction with a legislative bill aimed at helping only the victims of side effects caused by imported new-flu vaccine.

Falling prices have the side effects of chilling the economy and increase unemployment.

Many of patients who have severe diseases, such as terminal cancer, want to take new drugs, even being keenly aware of possible side effects.

Possible side effects drugs have on humans have been examined before.

The antiviral drug remdesivir has been shown to be effective to a certain extent against the new coronavirus by clinical trials in the Unites States. But it is designed for people in serious condition who need to be on a ventilator and there are side effects such as decreased kidney and liver functions.

The reputation of the lung cancer drug Iressa, an orally administered tablet, being easy to swallow with few side effects was widespread and its usage spread quickly. But the number of deaths suspected to have been caused by the drug’s side effects has reached about 860.

To calculate the probability of the occurrence of side effects from medical drugs, the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry will collect information including prescriptions, symptoms and the results of tests from patients’ electronic medical records.

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