英和 用語・用例辞典の解説
(名)精神 心 気性 趣旨 霊 魂 霊魂 聖霊 亡霊 幽霊 機嫌(spirits) 勇気 元気 気力 気概 意気 熱意 態度 心構え 忠誠心 強い蒸留酒 アルコール 〜の人 風潮 時勢 傾向
After visiting Yasukuni Shrine, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe told reporters that it was the common stance of leaders around the world to pray for the spirits of the war dead and put one’s hands together.
Aikido is a Japanese martial art which attaches importance to the flow of ki, that is to say the invisible force of one’s spirit.
Apple Inc.’s cofounder Steven Paul Jobs exemplified the spirit of American ingenuity by building one of the planet’s most successful companies from his garage.
A ruling which the Supreme Court has issued in a case filed by three people living in South Korea who were seeking to have medical costs covered under the Atomic Bomb Survivors’ Assistance Law is an appropriate judicial judgment that is consistent with the spirit of the law.
Japan must seek regional stability in line with international regulations and the spirit of the rule of law by working together with the United States and other countries in order to prevent military tensions with China from escalating.
The acquisition of Australian major logistics player Toll Holdings by Japan Post Holdings Co. will be the second-largest deal after Suntory Holdings Ltd.’s purchase of large U.S. spirits maker Beam Inc. for about ¥1.7 trillion in 2014, among mergers and acquisitions of foreign firms by Japanese businesses in recent years.
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