
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

tax cut

減税 (=tax reduction)

tax cutの用例

A “small government” which Romney advocates refers to a policy line that would attempt to boost the economy with a variety of tax cuts and regulatory easing while drastically cutting back on federal spending.

In recent years, the government has implemented a series of bold tax cuts to bail the economy out of a deflationary trend.

It remains uncertain how the U.S. will resolve the fiscal cliff, which refers to a combination of expiring huge tax cuts and automatic spending reductions from the beginning of 2013.

Obama has consistently called for ending tax cuts for wealthy households, but he recently offered a compromise to Republicans by proposing higher tax rates for Americans making more than $400,000 a year.

The government will implement a ¥5 trillion economic stimulus package, including a corporate tax cut, while it will raise the consumption tax rate to 8 percent from the current 5 percent in April 2014.

The Republicans oppose tax hikes on the wealthy, calling for extending across-the-board tax cuts.

To enhance the stimulating effect of the Fed’s rate cuts, the Bush administration is expected to swiftly implement fiscal and tax stimulus measures, including tax cuts on investment designed to reinvigorate the stock market, in addition to the large-scale tax cut program that is under way.

To focus tax cuts on the middle-class and reduce fiscal deficits, Obama has consistently called for ending tax cuts for wealthy households earning more than $250,000 a year during and after the presidential campaign.

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