
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説


(名)期間 契約期間 専門用語 用語 言葉づかい 言い方 表現 定期不動産権 条件(複数形で用いられることが多い) 条項 規定 約定 合意 間柄 関係 仲 (⇒nominal terms)



According to the short-term quarterly survey of business sentiment compiled by the BOJ in September 2012, the diffusion index for large manufacturers’ current business conditions deteriorated for the first time in three quarters.

According to the terms of a deal in the Afghan presidential election, the runner-up in the vote is to name a chief executive to keep the lid on political tensions.

Acorns rolling over and over, which children enjoy picking in autumn, are a generic term for nuts from trees of the fagaceae family like oak, and they have a charming appearance, resembling a person wearing a hat.

Afghan President Hamid Karzai will leave office in 2014 when his term expires.

After Israel and the Palestinian Authority have agreed to resume final status negotiations between them, ministerial-level officials from both parties are to meet in the near future to work out the terms and preconditions for the negotiations.

Any sublicense granted by the licensee shall subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement.

As many sex offenders against children tend to repeatedly commit similar acts of abuse, it is difficult for them to reintegrate into society after they completed their terms.

As Ospreys transport aircrafts are superior in terms of cruising speed and flight range, they will help U.S. marines improve their rapid response capabilities and strengthen the deterrent of U.S. forces as a whole.

Assets to be purchased by the BOJ as its additional monetary easing measure include ¥5 trillion in short-term government bonds and ¥5trillion long-term bonds.

As the man behind the anti-Islam video blamed for sparking protests in the Muslim world breached the terms of his probation for his offense in 2010, he was jailed in the United States.

At its shareholders meeting, the company will explain measures to strengthen corporate governance and reconstruct management, including limiting terms of directorship, introducing mandatory retirement for directors and setting up an independent committee to nominate candidates for directorships and setting their salaries.

At recent shareholders meetings of companies with business terms that ended in March, “activist shareholders” including foreign funds have applied pressure on corporate management by arguing against management policy.

At this year’s annual general meetings of shareholders of companies with business terms that ended in March, “activist shareholders” who apply pressure on corporate management have made their presence felt.

Big data are a collective term for such various electronic data as records of mail-order purchases, information contained in postings on social networking sites and smartphone location information.

During the business term ending in September, the company achieved a fivefold increase in its recurring profits from a year earlier.

During the trial, prosecutors had sought 18-month prison terms for the accused without suspension.

French President Sarkozy said he would fight with everything to win the second term in an April-May presidential election.

Hu Jintao, who led China for ten years during his two terms, vacated the general secretary post and also stepped down as chairman of the Central Military Commission in the latest leadership appointment.

In a private ceremony at the White House that set a more subdued tone compared to four years ago, U.S. President Barack Obama took the oath for his second term.

In terms of trade volume, South Korea is currently among the top 10 countries partly due to its efforts to promote free trade agreements with the United States, the European Union and others.

In the gubernatorial races held in Hokkaido and Oita as part of the unified local elections, which drew strong attention as they were head-on contests between the ruling camp and the opposition bloc, the ruling camp-backed incumbents were reelected to their fourth terms.

In the TV debate held for the U.S. presidential election on November 3, 2020, President Trump put more emphasis on denigrating former Vice President Joe Biden than on explaining the achievements of Trump’s first term as president.

Japan’s gross domestic product contracted an annualized 3.5 percent in price- adjusted real terms during the third quarter compared to the previous period, posting declines for the second consecutive quarter.

Kan’s term as party president will expire in September 2010.

LDP President Sadakazu Tanigaki announced he would not seek another term as party president in the leadership election scheduled for Sep. 26, 2012.

PM (particulate matter) 2.5 is the general term for the microparticle substances with a diameter of up to 2.5 micrometers (one micrometer is equivalent to one-thousandth of a millimeter).

Real gross domestic product for the April-June quarter was revised upward to an increase of 3.8 percent from last year in annualized terms.

Sepp Blatter was reelected as FIFA chief for a fifth term, but a rash of various troubles and suspicions linked to money have arisen since he took the presidential post in 1998.

South Korea’s President Moon Jae-in’s single five-year term has been marked by varied economic woes, roller-coaster diplomacy with North Korea and a deepening domestic divide,

The bill to revise the juvenile law calls for lifting the maximum term from 10 years to 15 years for indeterminate sentences for juvenile crimes.

The government predicts that prices of resources will remain high during the mid- to long-term.

The government should clarify to the nation what the maximum permissible dosage of radiation in everyday life is in scientific and empirical terms.

The Japanese manufacturing industry accounted for 26 percent of the domestic economy in real value-added terms in 1990, but it dropped to 19.4 percent in 2010.

The Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology decided to adopt the term “togo shiccho sho” (loss of coordination disorder) to replace “seishin bunretsu byo” (split mind disorder).

The new Xi administration whose goal is achieving “the great revival of the Chinese nation” is expected to pursue wealth- and military-building policies over his two five-year terms to transform China into a superpower on par with the United States.

The Republican Party currently controls the House of Representatives, so the Obama administration is certain to be rendered ineffectual for the remainder of its term if his Democratic Party slips to a minority in both houses of Congress in the midterm elections in 2014.

The stands of the two protagonists are marked by an absence of trust, with each blaming the other for a failure to live up to the terms of 1994 deal.

The term “comfort women” is a euphemism referring to women forced into sexual servitude in wartime Japanese military brothels.

To enhance corporate competitiveness in the medium and long term, investment in personnel training and research and development is also vital.

To forestall autocratic rule, the new Constitution of Egypt limits the president to no more than two terms of four years each.

Under an ordinance of the Osaka prefectural government, if people who sexually assaulted youngsters live within the prefecture after being released from prison, they must report their personal information to the government over the five years after they completed their terms.

Under this system, power-generating companies and distribution companies trade electricity through a bidding system, while a neutrally positioned power-transmission organization transmits power in accordance with contractual terms.

U.S. President Barack Obama officially started his second term in a low-key ceremony in which he took the oath of office from U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts at the White House.

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1 [C](限定された)期間(契約・権利などの)期間,((英))学期(◇通例1年を three terms に分ける),任期,刑期,(議会などの)会期;《法律》定期不動産権,不動産権保有の期間

the copyright [contract] term

an autumn term

a term of office [service]

in [over] the short [long] term

She was sentenced to a two-year term of imprisonment.

1a [C]((形式))(期間の)満了日(契約・任期などの)満期;[U](妊婦の)出産予定日;[C]((スコット))四季支払日(quarter day

He will reach the term of his office in August.

children born at (full) term

2 〔~s〕(支払い・契約などの)条件条項,価格,取引額

terms and conditions

on one's (own) terms

under the terms of the contract

on equal [the same] terms

in real terms

make [come to] terms with a person

bring a person to terms

3 [C](限定された)用語専門用語,術語;(文章・会話中の)語,語句;〔~s〕言い方,言葉づかい;視点,観点

a technical [scientific] term

a medical term for ...

a term of abuse

in extreme [flattering] terms

In artistic terms, the film was revolutionary.

3a [C]《論理学》名辞;《数学》項;《建築》(古代ローマの)境界像(terminus

4 〔~s〕(特定の)関係仲,間柄

be on friendly [first-name, bad, fighting] terms with ...

be on nodding terms with...

She and I were not on speaking terms, except for the purposes of work.

come to terms with A


2 Aに文句を言わない;Aに慣れる;(あきらめて)Aを認める,受け入れる

go full term

(予定などを)すべて無事にこなす,完了する(◆胎児が妊娠満期(full term)で生まれることから)

in terms of A

1 A(に特有)の言葉[表現]で;Aの項(式)で

2 Aに関して,Aの点[見地,角度,規準]から;Aに基づいて,Aに換算して

Iran must be seen in terms of its oil resources.

in terms of dollars
ドル換算で(in dollar terms)

2a 〔be thinking [talking] in terms of A〕Aを(しようと)考えている

not on [under] any terms=on [under] no terms


terms of reference



Failure to do so may be termed irresponsible.


出典 小学館「プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)」プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)について 情報 | 凡例

中国のゴビ砂漠などの砂がジェット気流に乗って日本へ飛来したとみられる黄色の砂。西日本に多く,九州西岸では年間 10日ぐらい,東岸では2日ぐらい降る。大陸砂漠の砂嵐の盛んな春に多いが,まれに冬にも起る。...
