

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説


(名)投票者 選挙人 有権者 (⇒assessment, floating voters, judgment [judgement], swing voters. Unified local elections)



After winning the approval of about 64 percent of voters in a two-stage national referendum, Egypt’s new Constitution was enforced.

As a crucial issue for many voters at a time when the economy is in the doldrums, political party leaders took to the streets to spell out their economic policies.

As an important issue of the upper house election, the political parties have made proposals that highlight handout policies to win the support of voters in farming communities.

A Yomiuri Shimbun survey showed that nonaffiliated voters increased eight percentage points from 43 percent recorded in the previous survey conducted immediately after the dissolution of the lower house.

If general voters are also allowed to engage in election campaigns via the Internet, anyone will be able to send an e-mail calling for support for a certain candidate, which may lead to rampant negative campaigns in which voters slander candidates they oppose.

If the revised Public Offices Election Law is applied to the upper house election scheduled in 2016, about 2.4 million minors aged 18 and 19 will be added to eligible voters.

In an election overshadowed by political divisiveness, Bangkok voters went to the polls to choose the city’s governor.

In an election which will pave the way for Brexit under Boris Johnson or propel Britain towards another referendum, voters went to the polls.

In an impeachment trial over the occupation of the U.S. Capitol by the supporters and others of former President Donald Trump on January 6, 2021 when Congress was in the proceedings to formally confirm the election of Joe Biden as the next president, the Senate has acquitted Trump as the number of voters fell short of the two-thirds majority, needed for a conviction.

In the French presidential election, the judgment voters hand down will have a very grave import on whether the eurozone crisis can be contained.

In the French presidential election, voters are focusing their attention on an economic growth policy to expand job opportunities, rather than fiscal rehabilitation.

In the latest survey, 24 percent of respondents were swing voters who had no party preference.

In the runup to December’s presidential poll, South Korean party chiefs made their final appeals to voters before a closely contested parliamentary election.

In the Super Tuesday primaries that mark a peak in the early stage of the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination race, Democratic voters have cast their ballots.

Italian voters’ backlash against Prime Minister Mario Monti’s austerity policy was so fierce that his Civil Choice party was crushed in the general election of February 2013.
モンティ伊首相の緊縮政策に対するイタリアの有権者の反発が激しく、2013年2月の総選挙で、モンティ率いる政党のCivil Choice(市民の選択)は惨敗した。

It is said that the number of voters who show high interest in politics but distrust long-established political parties has been increasing.

Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, drew anger of black voters by remarking that African Americans who back U.S. President Donald Trump “aren’t black.”

Republican Mitt Romney and newly minted running mate Ryan sold themselves to voters as the duo who can win the White House.

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin won Russia’s presidential election by attracting strong support among voters.

The latest lower house election outcome which brought the change of government seems to reflect voter’s desire to see politicians get their act together.

The party has not fulfilled its accountability to voters.

The Tokyo metropolitan assembly poll, with about 10 million voters, foreshadows the result of upper house elections.

The trend toward a change of power reflects voters’ antipathy toward bureaucrats.

The use of the Internet in election campaigns will help galvanize young people’s interest in politics as low voter turnout among people in their 20s has become a concern, while Japanese voters living overseas will probably feel closer to politics at home.

To fire up voters, Democratic presidential candidates hustled across the State of Iowa.

Tokyo Gov. Shintaro Ishihara expanded his support base to floating voters.

Uncommitted or floating voters refer to voters who do not support any political parties.

U.S. President Barack Obama and NATO partners are going to show their war-weary voters the end of Afghan conflict is in sight.

Voters cast ballots Sunday in the House of Councilors election.

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voter apathy

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