英和 用語・用例辞典の解説
(動)同意する 合意する 合意に達する 〜することで一致する 承認する 承諾する 賛成する 取り決める 決定する
All the members of the municipal board of education agreed at an ad-hoc meeting that the manga, “Hadashi no Gen,” has educational value in teaching about peace.
An employment agreement in the past became toothless due to the practice of “aotagai” (green harvest) which refers to starting recruiting activities earlier than the agreed date.
At a summit of EU leaders in Brussels on January 30, 2012, the new EU treaty known as the fiscal compact was agreed.
At the meeting of the tripartite senior diplomatic officials in Washington, Japan, the United States and South Korea agreed that if Pyongyang launches a long-range ballistic missile, the three countries will bring the case to the U.N. Security Council to call for decisive international action.
Foreign Minister Koichiro Gemba and U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta agreed Tokyo and Washington would cooperate to prevent Japan-China relations from being irreparably damaged.
In light of complaints from emerging economies that a glut of speculative funds due to monetary easing measures taken by advanced countries have caused the appreciation of their currencies and asset inflation, the G-20 participants agreed that they will monitor and minimize the negative ripple effects of their respective financial policies.
Prime Minister Noda and LDP President Tanigaki agreed that the lower house is to be dissolved “sometime soon.”
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