
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説


(名)大臣 〜相 閣僚 公使 大使(ambassador) 代理人 代表者 聖職者 牧師 教師 (⇒appointee, finance ministers and central bank governors [chiefs])



After two days of wrangling over a budget law, Italian President Giorgio Napolitano said that the general election would be held on Feb. 24, 2013, taking account of a recommendation by the interior minister.

As an organ symbolizing lawmaker-led policy making, the DPJ established the council of a minister, senior vice ministers and parliamentary secretaries at each ministry.

Environment Minister Goshi Hosono has decided not to run in the DPJ leadership race.

Exercising the justice minister’s right of command could result in political interventions in the judiciary.

Finance ministers from the European Union’s 27 countries agreed to give the European Central Bank the authority to supervise eurozone banks from March 2014.

Finance ministers of the ASEAN plus Three hailed the launch of a regional economic research and surveillance body aimed at preventing financial turmoil.

Foreign Minister Makiko Tanaka appears to be often left out of the loop when it comes to deciding Japan’s responses to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks in the United States.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel pulled a rabbit out of her hat in picking the spirited Ursula von der Leyen as the country’s first female defense minister though she has an aversion to the unexpected.

In a government reshuffle Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi had promised to assuage public anger over an economic crisis, the president fired his finance and interior ministers.

In all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, and those in which a State shall be Party, the supreme Court shall have original Jurisdiction. In all the other Cases before mentioned, the supreme Court shall have appellate Jurisdiction, both as to Law and Fact, with such Exceptions, and under such Regulations as the Congress shall make.

India’s home minister accused Pakistan’s state agencies of using terror to try to destabilize India and hit out at Pakistan.

In the Cabinet reshuffle, important ministers responsible for postal privatization retained their posts.

In the case of Cabinet Office, there are about 600 senior official positions, including vice ministers and bureau chiefs.

In the envisaged Japanese version of the U.S. National Security Council, four ministers of the prime minister, the foreign minister, the defense minister and the chief cabinet secretary are expected to become core members.

In the hostage-taking crisis by Islamic extremists at a natural gas complex in In Amenas in eastern Algeria, the government set up a countermeasures task force comprising ministers concerned to deal with the crisis.

It is slips of the tongue by inexperienced ministers and those who have joined the Cabinet for the first time that Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga is watching for following the latest Cabinet reshuffle.

Japan and Russia will establish a two-plus-two forum, involving each government’s foreign and defense ministers.

Ministers concerned will swiftly deal with the matter of illegal intrusions onto the Senkaku Islands.

Over ways to utilize an agricultural park to process farm produce, which is under construction in the West Bank of city of Jericho with the support of Japan, Foreign Minister Kishida conferred with ministers concerned from Israel, the Palestinian Authority and Jordan.

Seiji Maehara, the new state minister for national policy, held a news conference after his appointment.

Six ministries did not keep the minutes or summaries of meetings of their respective councils comprising their minister, senior vice ministers and parliamentary secretaries.

The BoE’s deputy governor is said to have been pressured by government ministers to encourage banks to manipulate interest rates.

The censure motions against the two Cabinet ministers were submitted jointly by the main opposition parties.

The controversy over the reappointment of Japan Post president has resulted in the de facto dismissal of Internal Affairs and Communications Minister Kunio Hatoyama.

The 27 EU finance ministers urged North Korea to sign the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty without delay by demanding it abstain from further nuclear test.

The meeting between TPP minister Akira Amari and U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman centered on Japanese tariffs on 586 items in five major farm product categories, including rice and wheat.

The Ocean Policy Headquarters consists of the prime minister and all other cabinet ministers.

Wang Yi named as China’s foreign minister was a career diplomat with experience working on North Korea and other knotty diplomatic issues.

出典 日外アソシエーツ「英和 用語・用例辞典」英和 用語・用例辞典について 情報




1 〔しばしばM-〕(ヨーロッパ諸国・日本などの)大臣;((英))(閣外)国務大臣(◆((米))では Secretary;⇒secretary[関連]

a cabinet minister

the Minister of Defense

1a (外国に対し国家を代表する)公使(◇大使(ambassador)の次位)

2 (とくにプロテスタントの)聖職者,牧師(◆((英))では主に国教会系以外で用いる)

2a 《カトリック》修道会会長(minister general)

3 ((古))代理人,代行者


1 (自)聖職者[牧師]としての務めを果たす;(他)〈祭式・礼拝などを〉挙行する

2 (自)(病人など)の世話をする,仕える≪to

2a (他)〈必要な物などを〉提供する


出典 小学館「プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)」プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)について 情報 | 凡例

中国のゴビ砂漠などの砂がジェット気流に乗って日本へ飛来したとみられる黄色の砂。西日本に多く,九州西岸では年間 10日ぐらい,東岸では2日ぐらい降る。大陸砂漠の砂嵐の盛んな春に多いが,まれに冬にも起る。...
