英和 用語・用例辞典の解説
(名)政党の政策綱領 綱領 綱領発表 米大統領選挙候補者選びでの綱領宣言 政策綱領宣言 政策方針 公約 場 ステージ 演壇 コンピュータの基盤 ソフトウエアやハードウエアなどコンピュータの基盤となるシステム 基本システム 搭載機器とソフト 業界基準 共通基盤 体制 仕組み 掘削の足場[海底油田のプラットフォーム] 足場 足がかり 土台 駅のホーム プラットフォーム
According to the Liberal Democratic Party’s platform, an LDP administration will overcome deflation by implementing bold monetary easing measures.
In its campaign platform for the upper house election in July 2013, the LDP placed emphasis on realizing its Abenomics economic policies and pledged to seek tax incentives for capital investment and drastic cuts in the corporation tax.
Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi won a mandate for his much-touted “structural reform without sacred cows” platform.
Republicans at their national convention adopted a platform endorsing President George W. Bush’s agenda.
The Democratic Party released its party platform that echoes U.S. President Obama’s call for higher taxes on wealthier Americans.
The LDP endorses revising the Constitution to transform the SDF into a national defense military in the party’s campaign platform.
The LDP’s campaign platform for the upcoming House of Representatives election strongly reflects the party leader Abe’s major policies, such as those centering on growth and reviewing the right to collective self-defense.
The LDP’s election campaign platform contains monetary policies bolder than measures taken by the current administration, including setting an annual inflation target of 2 percent.
The party leadership of the LDP has reflected the complaints of anti-TPP elements in a policy package dubbed “J-file 2013” which supplements the campaign platform for the House of Councilors election in July 2013.
The platform of the Liberal Democratic Party focuses on reviving the Japanese economy.
To extricate a woman who fell down the gap between a train and the platform, about 40 Good Samaritan bystanders helped station staff push against the side of the train.
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