(動)弱まる 徐々に弱まる 落ち込む 希薄化する 衰える 衰退[衰微]する 消えようとしている (月が)欠けている 新月に近づいている (⇒cost pressures, politics)
Companies’ profits wane as firms cannot raise prices to desired levels amid severe competition.
Consumer spending waned amid the global financial crisis that followed the Lehman Brothers collapse in autumn 2008.
Demand for the Wii which has been a bonanza for Nintendo Co. is waning from a year earlier.
The company’s attention to product safety and quality might have wanes.
The confrontation between Japan and China over the Senkaku Islands will lengthen as there is no sign that China’s pressure on Japan will wane.
(名)弱体 弱体化 希薄化 衰退 衰微 落ち目 衰退期
The number of teachers who take time off due to mental health issues has been on the wane.
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