英和 用語・用例辞典の解説
(動)持続させる 維持する 保持する 存続させる 支える 支持する 裏付ける 〜に耐える 養う 扶養する 援助する 激励する (損失、負債、被害などを)被る[受ける] 妥当[正当]と認める 是認する (⇒business model, presiding judge, strategic steps)
In a scenario for economic growth recovery drawn up by the government and the BOJ, domestic demand is sustained by reconstruction projects from the March 11 disaster and subsidies for environmentally friendly vehicles.
The compulsory auto insurance program cannot be sustained unless its financial conditions are improved though the purpose of the program is to help victims of traffic accidents.
The government wants to lower the yen’s value to sustain the economy.
The presiding judge said the district court suspended the prison sentences on the defendants as they had already paid back to the state the amount of damages the government sustained in the fraud.
While we work to sustain growth during the difficult period, we have taken strategic steps to position the firm for continued long-term growth.
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