

/ǽsk | άːsk/


1 (他)〈人に〉(自分の利益になるものを)求める〈人に〉(…を)求める,頼む≪for≫,…を求める[頼む];〈人に〉(…してくれるよう)頼む≪to do≫,〈…となるよう〉求める≪that節≫;〈…させて欲しいと〉求める,〈…したいと〉言う≪to do≫;(自)(…を)求める,欲しいという;(人に)面会を求める≪for

ask a person's advice =ask a person for advice
人に助言を求める(◆ask advice from a personも可)

I asked him to do that.
彼にそうしてと頼んだ(◆((米略式))I asked for him to do that. とも)

The students ask only that they (should) not be bored. =The students ask only not to be bored.

ask for help [a raise]

I couldn't ask for more.

1a (他)〈自分の利益になるものを〉直接求める〈許可などを〉要求する,〈代金などを〉(…に対して)請求する≪for≫;〈好意・負担などを〉(人に)求める≪of≫,〈人に〉〈好意・負担などを〉求める

ask the earth [a fortune] (for ...)

What [How much] are you asking [do you ask] for this?

I have a favor to ask (of) you.

You are asking rather a lot [a great deal, too much] of him.

Would [Is] it be too much to ask?

1b (他)〈人に〉(場所に)来るよう求める招く,誘う≪tofor≫,〈人を〉招待する(invite

ask a person (out) to dinner

ask a person in

ask a person over

1c (他)(自)〈物・事が〉(技能・操作などを)求める,必要とする≪for

This task asks intelligence [asks for skill].

2 ((尋ねる))(他)〈人に〉(…について)情報を求める尋ねる,聞く,質問する;(自)(…について)尋ねる,聞く≪about

He asked (me) about my work.

2a (他)〈人に〉〈質問に〉答えることを求める〈人に〉…を尋ねる,…を(人に)聞く≪of≫;〈…かどうかを〉尋ねる≪wh節,wh句≫

They asked him several questions [((やや古))asked several questions of him].

I asked a policeman the way to ...

I asked (him) if he wanted it [what to do, why he had done it].


ask (一般に)求める;尋ねる.

demand ((形式))強く求める;強く尋ねる,問い詰める.

request ((形式))要請する.

inquireenquire ((形式))問い合わせる.

question 質問する.

interview (面接・トーク番組などで)質問する,話を聞く.

interrogate (徹底的に詳細を)質問する,尋問する.

ask after


1 〈人の〉安否[健康状態]を尋ねる,〈人が〉元気かどうか聞く

2 …を探し求める

ask around [round]


ask A back


ask for it [trouble]

ask for TROUBLE

Ask me (another [harder])


ask out

1 〔ask A out〕A(人)を外出に誘う;デートに誘う

2 (自)((米))退職する,辞める;引き下がる

Don't ask.


don't ask, don't tell


Don't ask me.


I ask you!


if you ask me


“How do you like my hat?” “A little old-fashioned, if you ask me.”

you may well ask


well may you ask

((戯))=you may well ask

━━[名]〔the [an] ~〕

1 (特に寄付などの)要求,依頼

make the ask

2 売り指値[呼値](asking [asked] price)

a big ask


出典 小学館「プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)」プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)について 情報 | 凡例

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説


(動)尋ねる 〜について聞く 頼む 依頼する 要請する 要求する 請求する 求める 誘う 招く


According to the campaign pledges of the political parties, they are hesitant to ask the public to pay more for their social security system.

A public backlash against Washington over the AIG executives’ bonuses makes it tougher for Obama to ask Congress for more bailout help.

As part of countermeasures against black companies, the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry will ask companies that hire university students and others through Hello Work job placement offices to reveal their employee turnover rates from the fiscal year (FY) 2014.

Foreign residents often hesitate to ask for legal advice because of the language barrier.

Greece asked other eurozone member states for financial support to help it stem its budget crisis in early 2010.

Hanshin Tigers’ Tomoaki Kanemoto got chalked up when he was asked the reason why he had made the decision to walk away from the game.

In a bid to clamp down on bank-transfer scams, the police asked financial institutions not to allow people whose faces are obscured with sunglasses or masks to use ATMs.

It is highly unusual for the top U.S. diplomat to ask the top Japanese envoy to appear in person over a pending bilateral problem.

Japanese financial institutions have been asked to invest in overseas financial firms amid the financial turmoil triggered by the subprime mortgage crisis.

Japan must ask Europe to settle the financial crisis as soon as possible to prevent the excessive strength of the yen.

Japan’s business circles are asking the government to quickly resolve the situation under tangible and intangible pressure from China.

Just between you and me, he asked me out!

Kansai Electric Power Co. is asking its corporate clients to increase their in-house power generation capabilities.

LDP President Abe said that he will ask the BOJ to buy construction bonds, or the government bonds issued for public works projects, through open market operations, which is a typical monetary control measure conducted by the central bank.

Okinawa Gov. Hirokazu Nakaima asked Defense Minister Satoshi Morimoto to call on the United States to take strict action on the alleged rape and to cooperate with the Japanese investigation.

Regarding the remarks of LDP President Shinzo Abe, there is a nagging concern that the LDP might ask the Bank of Japan to cover the government’s deficits if the party returns to power.

The Bank of Japan asked the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to intervene in the New York foreign exchange market on its behalf through yen-selling, dollar-buying operations for the first time in 15 months.

The company intends to ask its annual general shareholders meeting in November to approve a plan to wholly own the company through a stock swap.

The company was asked by one of its major shareholders to spin off its movie and music business from its main line of business, it took a wary stance toward dividing up its businesses.

The Development Bank of Japan asked the Japan Finance Corporation to pay ¥53.6 billion, the amount guaranteed by the government.

The first secretary at the Chinese Embassy in Tokyo was asked by the Metropolitan Police Department’s Public Security Bureau to appear for questioning on suspicion of violating the Vienna Convention.

To apply for prizes such as travel coupons and airline tickets in the giveaway section of a website operated by a subsidiary of Yahoo Japan, people are asked to click the Facebook Like button of companies organizing the giveaway campaigns.

To secure resources, the government will ask each ministry and agency to cut its discretionary spending by 10 percent from the previous year.

With the Japanese economy left in uncertainty, the new government will be required to adopt pump-priming measures to keep pace with the Bank of Japan, while the central bank will be asked to watch and deal with the economy with even more care.

出典 日外アソシエーツ「英和 用語・用例辞典」英和 用語・用例辞典について 情報

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