- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- (副)急に 急激に 大幅に かなりsteeplyの用例Amid the ongoing European financial crisis, concern is mounting in South Korea that the value of …
jointly extend loans to
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 〜に協調融資するjointly extend loans toの用例Entrusted or instructed by the South Korean government, private banks jointly extended loans t…
South Korea’s President
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 韓国の大統領South Korea’s Presidentの用例South Korea’s President Moon Jae-in’s single five-year term has been marked by varied economic woe…
impose a countervailing tariff on
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 〜に[に対して]相殺関税を課すimpose a countervailing tariff onの用例The government imposes a countervailing tariff on the imports of South K…
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 北朝鮮の指導者・金正恩 金正恩(党)第一書記North Korean leader Kim Jong Unの用例North Korean leader Kim Jong Un made the remarks at the Supre…
global concerns
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 世界の懸念global concernsの用例North Korea will be better off taking positive steps toward addressing global concerns over its nuclear weap…
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- (名)拉致被害者 拉致による行方不明者 (⇒standstill)abducteeの用例Many of the abductees are dead.拉致被害者の多くは、死亡している。North Korea…
North Korean threats
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 北朝鮮の脅しNorth Korean threatsの用例Despite North Korean threats to respond by voiding the armistice that ended the Korean War, Seoul and…
North Korean Foreign Ministry
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 北朝鮮外務省North Korean Foreign Ministryの用例Washington is slandering Pyongyang by spreading unfounded rumors, a North Korean Foreign Min…
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- (形)無感覚の 無神経の 鈍感な 対応の鈍い 感じない 心ない 人の気持ちが分からないinsensitiveの関連語句be insensitive to〜に鈍感である 〜への対…
six-party talks
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 6か国協議 (=six-nation talks, six-party forum;⇒counterpart)six-party talksの用例North Korea still demands the lifting of sanctions against …
formal contacts
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 公式協議formal contactsの用例According to government sources, the resumption of formal contacts between director general-level officials of…
build trust
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 信頼を築く 信頼を醸成するbuild trustの用例So long as the North Korea’s authoritarian government responds in kind, South Korea will try to b…
respond in kind
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 同様に対応するrespond in kindの用例So long as the North Korea’s authoritarian government responds in kind, South Korea will try to build tr…
- プログレッシブ和英中辞典(第4版)
- a jeogori[< ((朝鮮語))],a coat; a Korean jacket
North Korea’s military parade
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 北朝鮮の軍事パレードNorth Korea’s military paradeの用例North Korea’s massive military parade in Pyongyang to celebrate the 60th anniversary…
Man Gyong Bong 92
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 万景峰号Man Gyong Bong 92の用例The Man Gyong Bong 92, a North Korean freight-passenger ship that irregularly plies between the communist co…
visa requirement
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- ビザの必要条件 ビザの要件 ビザ取得の要件visa requirementの用例The U.S. government will lean on Thailand to tighten visa requirements for No…
North Korea’s launch of a ballistic missile
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 北朝鮮の弾道ミサイル発射North Korea’s launch of a ballistic missileの用例The Japanese government slammed North Korea’s launch of a ballisti…
Korean Central Television
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- (北朝鮮の)朝鮮中央テレビKorean Central Televisionの用例During the meeting of the Workers’ Party of Korea, leader Kim Jong Un’s uncle Jang S…
government officials
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 政府当局者 政府関係者 政府高官 官僚 政府当局 公務員 政府職員 (⇒rescueの動詞)government officialsの用例Central government officials are bann…
Asian Games
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- アジア大会Asian Gamesの用例North Korea will send a cheering squad to the coming Asian Games held in South Korea in which Pyongyang’s athlet…
naval vessel
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 艦艇 艦船naval vesselの用例North Korea has no business interfering in operations of South Korean naval vessels south of the Northern Limit …
common interest
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 共通の利益 共通の利害 (=the same interest)common interestの用例After the death of North Korean leader, the immediate common interest for th…
a ranking official
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 幹部職員 役職員 幹部 高官a ranking officialの関連語句the ranking officer hereここの最高責任者the second-ranking maker in the industry業界第…
North Korea’s missile launch
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 北朝鮮のミサイル発射North Korea’s missile launchの用例The Self-Defense Forces deployed Patrol Advanced Capability-3 (PAC3) surface-to-air m…
lift a travel ban on
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 〜の出国禁止措置を解除する[解く]lift a travel ban onの用例South Korean government has lifted a travel ban on Tatsuya Kato, former Seoul bur…
government sources
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 政府筋 (=government circles)government sourcesの用例According to government sources, the resumption of formal contacts between director gen…
first secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 朝鮮労働党第一書記first secretary of the Workers’ Party of Koreaの用例North Korea’s massive military parade in Pyongyang to celebrate the 6…
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- (名)ウォン (韓国と北朝鮮の通貨単位。⇒swap動詞)wonの用例Amid the ongoing European financial crisis, concern is mounting in South Korea that …
Takeshima islands
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 竹島Takeshima islandsの用例Japan is making a wide appeal to the international community to recognize the legitimacy of the nation’s soverei…
incoming government
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 次の政権 次期政権incoming governmentの用例Hillary Clinton said the incoming government to be launched on January 20 would act with urgency …
Japan-South Korea relations
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 日韓関係Japan-South Korea relationsの用例The government deported Chinese anti-Japan activists to avoid a two-pronged fight with China and S…
North Korea’s nuclear development
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 北朝鮮の核開発North Korea’s nuclear developmentの用例At the meeting of South Korean President Park Geun-hye and Deputy Prime Minister Taro …
competing ideas
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 相容れない考え 相反する考えcompeting ideasの用例U.S. and North Korean officials discussed competing ideas about Pyongyang’s nuclear program…
military provocation
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 軍事的挑発military provocationの用例After the death of North Korean leader, the immediate common interest for the countries concerned is en…
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- (名)橋 陸橋 鉄橋 橋渡し 仲立ちbridgeの関連語句a bridge of goldうまい逃げ道 容易な退路 困難からの容易な抜け道act as a bridge between differe…
illegal entry
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 不法入国illegal entryの用例In search of better lives, six South Koreans sneaked into North Korea. But they were repatriated from the North …
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- (動)危険にさらす 危険[危機]に陥れる 危うくする 脅かす 損なう ダメージを与えるjeopardizeの用例A free fall of the dollar would jeopardize the…
- プログレッシブ和英中辞典(第4版)
- 〔在日本大韓民国民団〕the Korean Residents Union in Japan; Mindan
lump-sum payment
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 一時金 一括払いlump-sum paymentの用例The government will offer a lump-sum payment if abductees who are aged 65 or older return to Japan fro…
government-affiliated financial institutions
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 政府系金融機関government-affiliated financial institutionsの関連語句government-affiliated investment fund政府系ファンド 政府系投資ファンド …
Korean Committee of Space Technology
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 朝鮮宇宙空間技術委員会Korean Committee of Space Technologyの用例According to a spokesman for the Korean Committee of Space Technology, scie…
omóí-áwáséru, おもいあわせる, 思い合わせる
- 現代日葡辞典
- Ligar as coisas [os fa(c)tos/uma coisa com outra].Are kore ~ to ano toki kare ga itta kotoba no imi ga wakatte kita|あれこれ思い合わせる…
director general-level
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 局長級の (=director-level)director general-levelの用例According to government sources, the resumption of formal contacts between director g…
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- (動)非核化する 核兵器を撤去する (〜の)核武装を禁止[解除]するdenuclearizeの用例Six-party talks are aimed at denuclearizing North Korea as th…
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- (名)通貨単位の呼称変更 券面額の変更 デノミ デノミネーション (=currency redenomination, renaming monetary units)redenominationの関連語句carr…
satellite launching station
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 衛星発射場satellite launching stationの用例North Korea’s three-stage ballistic missile was fired from the Sohae Satellite Launching Station…
South Korea’s first female president
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 韓国初の大統領South Korea’s first female presidentの用例South Korea’s first female president Park Geun-hye has vowed to take a stern attitu…
special economic zone
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 経済特区 特別経済区域special economic zoneの用例North Korea set up two special economic zones with China, but Pyongyang got a lukewarm rece…