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「왕타짜,com 카지노가입즉시쿠폰 2025년검증업체 슬롯몬스터먹튀보증사이트 korean토토 충주시고객추천」の検索結果


illegal entry

英和 用語・用例辞典
不法入国illegal entryの用例In search of better lives, six South Koreans sneaked into North Korea. But they were repatriated from the North …

North Korea

英和 用語・用例辞典
北朝鮮 (⇒Pyongyang)North Koreaの用例According to the State Department, the United States will send a senior envoy to North Korea to seek th…

Korean Committee of Space Technology

英和 用語・用例辞典
朝鮮宇宙空間技術委員会Korean Committee of Space Technologyの用例According to a spokesman for the Korean Committee of Space Technology, scie…

Northern Limit Line

英和 用語・用例辞典
北方限界線 NLLNorthern Limit Lineの用例North Korea has no business interfering in operations of South Korean naval vessels south of the Nor…

North Korean threats

英和 用語・用例辞典
北朝鮮の脅しNorth Korean threatsの用例Despite North Korean threats to respond by voiding the armistice that ended the Korean War, Seoul and…


日韓会談a Japan-Korea [Korean-Japanese] conference日韓辞典a Japanese-Korean dictionary

normalizing relations

英和 用語・用例辞典
関係正常化normalizing relationsの用例Both Koizumi and Kim Jong-il agreed in the Japan-North Korea Pyongyang Declaration to resume negotiati…

South Korea’s former president

英和 用語・用例辞典
韓国の前大統領South Korea’s former presidentの用例South Korea’s former president Lee Myung-bak visited the Takeshima islands and demanded f…

nuclear device

英和 用語・用例辞典
核爆弾nuclear deviceの用例North Korea appears to have reneged on its promise to abandon its nuclear program in 2005 as it tested nuclear de…

South Korea’s President

英和 用語・用例辞典
韓国の大統領South Korea’s Presidentの用例South Korea’s President Moon Jae-in’s single five-year term has been marked by varied economic woe…

naval vessel

英和 用語・用例辞典
艦艇 艦船naval vesselの用例North Korea has no business interfering in operations of South Korean naval vessels south of the Northern Limit …

North Korean Foreign Ministry

英和 用語・用例辞典
北朝鮮外務省North Korean Foreign Ministryの用例Washington is slandering Pyongyang by spreading unfounded rumors, a North Korean Foreign Min…

Japan and North Korea

英和 用語・用例辞典
日本と北朝鮮Japan and North Koreaの用例After a hiatus of about one year and four months, official governmental talks between Japan and Nort…


英和 用語・用例辞典
(名)亡命者 離党者 脱党者 離反者 脱落者 (他の会社やグループに)移る人 偏向装置 (⇒Senate Governmental Affairs subcommittee)defectorの関連語句a…


英和 用語・用例辞典
(形)許すことができない 容認されない ひどい 残酷なunforgivableの用例The deeds of South Korean President Lee Myung-bak, combined with his dem…

Asian Games

英和 用語・用例辞典
アジア大会Asian Gamesの用例North Korea will send a cheering squad to the coming Asian Games held in South Korea in which Pyongyang’s athlet…

North Korea’s nuclear development program

英和 用語・用例辞典
北朝鮮の核開発計画North Korea’s nuclear development programの用例Russia and Japan share the common interests in keeping China in check and …

ongoing European financial crisis

英和 用語・用例辞典
今回の欧州の金融危機ongoing European financial crisisの用例Amid the ongoing European financial crisis, concern is mounting in South Korea t…

朝鮮連翹 (チョウセンレンギョウ)

動植物名よみかた辞典 普及版
学名:Forsythia koreana植物。モクセイ科の落葉低木,園芸植物

satellite picture [photo]

英和 用語・用例辞典
衛星写真satellite picture [photo]の用例In the wake of North Korea’s announcement that it would extend its ballistic missile launch, South K…


英和 用語・用例辞典
(名)王国 王領 王の統治 世界 領域 分野 支配領域 なわばり 城 〜界kingdomの関連語句be gone to kingdom comeあの世に行ったblow [send]a person to…

military provocation

英和 用語・用例辞典
軍事的挑発military provocationの用例After the death of North Korean leader, the immediate common interest for the countries concerned is en…

シー‐ジェー‐ケー‐ブイ【CJKV】[China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam]

1 《China, Japan, Korea, Vietnamもしくは、Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnameseの頭文字から》中国、日本、韓国(大韓民国)、ベトナム。もし…

North Korea’s war threats

英和 用語・用例辞典
北朝鮮の「戦争」の脅しNorth Korea’s war threatsの用例North Korea’s bloodcurdling war threats are generally regarded as only over-the-top rh…


Japan and 「North Korea [the DPRK]日朝平壌(ピョンヤン)宣言the Japan-「North Korea [DPRK] Pyongyang Declaration日朝関係relations between Jap…


英和 用語・用例辞典
(名)通貨単位の呼称変更 券面額の変更 デノミ デノミネーション (=currency redenomination, renaming monetary units)redenominationの関連語句carr…

Japan-South Korea ties

英和 用語・用例辞典
日韓関係Japan-South Korea tiesの用例The price for the worsening of Japan-South Korea ties will eventually have to be paid by both Japan and…

military drill

英和 用語・用例辞典
軍事演習military drillの用例Despite North Korean threats to respond by voiding the armistice that ended the Korean War, Seoul and Washingto…

nuclear test

英和 用語・用例辞典
核実験nuclear testの関連語句underground nuclear test地下核実験nuclear testの用例According to the statement of Pyongyang’s foreign ministry,…


the Hangul alphabet; the Korean alphabet

South Korea’s first female president

英和 用語・用例辞典
韓国初の大統領South Korea’s first female presidentの用例South Korea’s first female president Park Geun-hye has vowed to take a stern attitu…

reconstruct battered economy

英和 用語・用例辞典
疲弊した経済を再建するreconstruct battered economyの用例From a medium- and long-range perspective, Kim Jong-il’s successor Kim Jong Un and …


英和 用語・用例辞典
(形)秘密主義の 隠しだてする 打ち解けない 無口の 分泌の 分泌を促すsecretiveの関連語句secretive about〜について隠しだてするsecretive North Ko…

first secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea

英和 用語・用例辞典
朝鮮労働党第一書記first secretary of the Workers’ Party of Koreaの用例North Korea’s massive military parade in Pyongyang to celebrate the 6…

Treaty on Basic Relations between Japan and South Korea

英和 用語・用例辞典
日韓基本条約 (=Japan-South Korea Basic Relations Treaty:1965年に締結された条約で、これにより日本は韓国との国交を樹立。また総額8億ドルの援助…

rocket launch

英和 用語・用例辞典
ロケットの発射 ロケット打上げrocket launchの用例North Korea bridled at South Korean President Lee Myung-bak’s comments that the money spent…

global concerns

英和 用語・用例辞典
世界の懸念global concernsの用例North Korea will be better off taking positive steps toward addressing global concerns over its nuclear weap…

EU finance ministers

英和 用語・用例辞典
欧州連合(EU)の財務相EU finance ministersの用例The 27 EU finance ministers urged North Korea to sign the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Trea…


〔在日本大韓民国民団〕the Korean Residents Union in Japan; Mindan


英和 用語・用例辞典
(副)急に 急激に 大幅に かなりsteeplyの用例Amid the ongoing European financial crisis, concern is mounting in South Korea that the value of …

Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea

英和 用語・用例辞典
朝鮮労働党中央委員会Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Koreaの用例Jang Song Thaek, vice chairman of the National Defense Commission…

omóí-áwáséru, おもいあわせる, 思い合わせる

Ligar as coisas [os fa(c)tos/uma coisa com outra].Are kore ~ to ano toki kare ga itta kotoba no imi ga wakatte kita|あれこれ思い合わせる…

further nuclear test

英和 用語・用例辞典
新たな核実験 これ以上の核実験further nuclear testの用例The 27 EU finance ministers urged North Korea to sign the Comprehensive Nuclear Test…


英和 用語・用例辞典
(名)橋 陸橋 鉄橋 橋渡し 仲立ちbridgeの関連語句a bridge of goldうまい逃げ道 容易な退路 困難からの容易な抜け道act as a bridge between differe…

issue of comfort women

英和 用語・用例辞典
慰安婦問題issue of comfort womenの用例Abe strongly wants to put an end to the issues of history and comfort women that South Korea has repe…


英和 用語・用例辞典
(形)分けられた 分かれた 分割された 分断された 分離した 分裂した 切り込みのある 深く裂けたdividedの関連語句deeply divided Senate深く分断され…

cohost [co-host]

英和 用語・用例辞典
(動)共同開催するcohost [co-host]の用例South Korea cohosted the 2002 World Cup and surprised the world with its magical run to the semifinal…


英和 用語・用例辞典
(名)半島peninsulaの関連語句the Boso Peninsula房総半島the Korean Peninsula朝鮮半島peninsulaの用例According to Russian President Vladimir Put…


英和 用語・用例辞典
(名)ウォン (韓国と北朝鮮の通貨単位。⇒swap動詞)wonの用例Amid the ongoing European financial crisis, concern is mounting in South Korea that …

foreign financial institution

英和 用語・用例辞典
海外の金融機関foreign financial institutionの用例Amid the ongoing European financial crisis, concern is mounting in South Korea that the va…



〘 名詞 〙 年の暮れに、その年の仕事を終えること。また、その日。《 季語・冬 》[初出の実例]「けふは大晦日(つごもり)一年中の仕事納(オサ)め」(出典:浄瑠璃・新版歌祭文(お染久松)(1780)油...


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