
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説


(名)契約 契約書 合意 合意書 合意事項 同意 同意書 協定 協約 取決め 了解 (意見などの)一致 (⇒reduce)



Alarmed by the likelihood that the business environment will become even more severe, the two companies had little leeway in concluding the merger agreement.

ANA Holdings Inc., the holding company of the ANA Group, has entered the final stages of negotiating an agreement with struggling Skymark Airlines over a capital injection.

An employment agreement in the past became toothless due to the practice of “aotagai” (green harvest) which refers to starting recruiting activities earlier than the agreed date.

As a gentleman’s agreement among member companies, the Japan Business Federation (Keidanren) stipulates job-hunting rules in its charter on ethical recruitment.

As the fruit of mediation efforts by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, the Israelis and the Palestinians have reached a broad agreement to resume direct talks after a hiatus of about three years.

At least legally, the issue of compensation for former comfort women was settled with the conclusion of the bilateral agreement on property claims and economic cooperation in 1965.

At two financial summit meetings since the collapse of Lehman Brothers, agreements were made on cooperation to implement large-scale economic stimulus measures and to take monetary relaxation policies.

China signed a raft of agreements with Ethiopia, the first leg of Premier Li Keqiang ‘s four nation African tour.

Cuts in pension benefits are not permitted without agreement from two-thirds or more of pension beneficiaries and company employees covered by a pension scheme.

Egypt’s Morsi administration has concluded a basic agreement with the IMF on loans totaling $4.8 billion, with strings attached, in an effort to avert a default on debts.

Failure to reach an agreement between President Barack Obama and Congress could result in a fiscal contraction of up to $503 billion a year, pushing down real GDP growth by about 3 percent.

French President Hollande and German Chancellor Merkel told that Athens should not expect leeway on its bailout agreement.

In accordance with the first phase agreement, Iran is to stop construction work on a heavy-water reactor capable of yielding plutonium, the fissile material for nuclear weapons.

In his State of the Union address delivered on February 12, 2013, U.S. President Barack Obama threw his weight behind a deal that would encompass the world’s economic output by calling for talks on a far-reaching free trade agreement with the EU.

In terms of trade volume, South Korea is currently among the top 10 countries partly due to its efforts to promote free trade agreements with the United States, the European Union and others.

It is undoubtedly Iran’s sole road to resuscitate the nation’s economy, which has been seriously affected by the international economic sanctions, by building confidence with the United States and European nations through the implementation of the agreement on Iran’s nuclear development plans.

Japan and the United States will sign the open skies agreement, and carriers in both countries will be able to apply for U.S. antitrust immunity.

Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc. reached an agreement to invest ¥900 billion in Morgan Stanley.

MLB and the players’ union reached agreement to put limit of 7 innings on doubleheaders [twin-bill games] due to the new coronavirus pandemic.

On Oct. 11, 2008, the U.S. government announced an agreement between the United States and North Korea.

Public opinion of existing political parties would nosedive if the three-party agreement collapses and the integrated reform bills fail to pass.

Regarding the first agreement with Iran since the start of negotiations in 2008 on Iran’s suspected nuclear weapons development plans, Israel and U.S. congressional hard-liners fiercely protested the accord in its entirety.

South Korea’s new president Park gave prominence to relations with Japan, including the conclusion of an economic partnership agreement, during the presidential election campaign.

Thanks to mediation by Egypt, Israel and Hamas managed to reach a ceasefire agreement at the last minute.

The agreement on property claims and economic cooperation, which was reached between Japan and South Korea in 1965, stipulates that the issue of property claims was resolved completely and finally.

The DPJ, the LDP and the New Komeito reached a broad agreement to create a nuclear regulatory commission at in informal meeting.

The European Commission plans to start talks on a comprehensive partnership agreement between the United States and the European Union in the first half of 2013.

The “first phase” agreement for the resolution of Iran’s nuclear weapons development issue may lead to an easing of tensions in the Middle East.

The G-20 participants’ agreement to avoid competitive devaluation of their currencies was included in the joint statement.

The Japan-U.S. acquisition and cross servicing agreement (ACSA) has been updated so that U.S. forces and the SDF can exchange food and fuel not only during peacetime, but also in the event of a crisis.

There is no international agreement on who is responsible for disposing of debris released into the sea.

The secretaries general of the ruling and opposition parties failed to reach an agreement on the reform of the lower house electoral system.

The Tokyo metropolitan government and the company concluded an agreement on the construction project.

The two banks intend to conclude a basic agreement by the end of this month.

The United States would likely provide Albania with facilities for destroying Syria’s chemical weapons if the agreement between the two countries is given the final nod.

The upper ceilings of working hours are stipulated by the Labor Standards Law in Japan, but employees can be forced to work as long as their companies want under special labor-management agreements.

Washington and Beijing have reached agreement on a new U.N. Security Council draft resolution to punish North Korea for its latest nuclear test.

出典 日外アソシエーツ「英和 用語・用例辞典」英和 用語・用例辞典について 情報




1 [U][C](…との/…に関する/…する)同意,賛成,合意,一致,了解,承諾≪with/onaboutas to/to do≫(⇔disagreement)([連語] (1) [動]+an agreement:reach/enter (into)/come to/make.(2) an agreement+[動]:〔開始〕come into force;〔終了〕expire/terminate

an agreement on [about] the issue

under the agreement

be in agreement (with ...)

There is (a) general [wide] agreement that something must be done.

2 [U][C](…と)合致[符合]すること≪with

in good agreement with the theory

2a [C](…との/…の間の)協定,契約(書)≪with/between

a trade agreement

an agreement between the parties

break an agreement

make an agreement with the company

3 [U]《文法》(性・数・人称・格などの)一致,呼応

出典 小学館「プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)」プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)について 情報 | 凡例

中国のゴビ砂漠などの砂がジェット気流に乗って日本へ飛来したとみられる黄色の砂。西日本に多く,九州西岸では年間 10日ぐらい,東岸では2日ぐらい降る。大陸砂漠の砂嵐の盛んな春に多いが,まれに冬にも起る。...
