英和 用語・用例辞典の解説
(動)出席する 参加する 参会する 参列する 臨席する (学校などに)通う 患者の看病[世話]をする 患者を診(み)る 診療する 付き添う 〜のお供(とも)をする 〜につきものである (結果として)〜に伴う (自動)扱う 取り組む 〜に注意を払う 〜を注意して聞く (患者の)面倒を見る 手当てをする (客の)相手をする 〜に接客する (要求に)応じる 出席する 通う
Excitement ran high over President Obama’s landmark visit to India when he attended the military parade through the heart of New Delhi.
Former President Donald Trump did not participate in the presidential inauguration ceremony held at the Capitol on Jan. 20, 2021 and broke the custom of a peaceful transfer of power in which outgoing and incoming presidents attend the ceremony together.
In order to discuss assistance for Afghanistan, about 80 countries and international organizations attended the donor conference held in Tokyo.
It came to light in April 2013 that a six-year-old girl who did not attend elementary school in Yokohama had died after being abused.
Justice Minister Keiko Chiba attended the hangings of two death-row prisoners.
Regional political party Osaka Ishin no Kai decided to enter national politics at a general discussion meeting attended by about 100 members, including regional assembly members.
The business community, which will hire university graduates, is skeptical of the current state of university education because many students tend to attend classes only passively.
Thousands of people lined the streets to catch a glimpse of the incoming U.S. Ambassador to Japan Caroline Kennedy in a horse-drawn Imperial carriage before she attended the credentials-submission ceremony held at the Imperial Palace.
To attend the Republican National Convention, Republicans assembled in Tampa, Fla. which had already battened down against the approach of a tropical storm.
To mark the 68th anniversary of the end of World War II, about 6,000 people, including the Imperial Couple, bereaved family members and the representatives of various sectors, attended the government-sponsored memorial ceremony held at the Nippon Budokan.
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