英和 用語・用例辞典の解説
(名)嵐 暴風 暴風雨 台風 大雨 大雪 大騒ぎ 騒動 騒乱 激動 感情の激発[爆発] 強襲 猛攻撃 一斉射撃 ストーム (動)襲撃する 急襲する 襲う 〜に攻め込む 席巻(せっけん)する 暴れ回る 悩ます 苦しめる (人に向かって)怒鳴る 怒鳴り散らす 怒鳴り声を上げる 突進する なだれ込む
After violent pro-Trump loyalists stormed the U.S. Capitol, the second impeachment proceedings against U.S. President Donald Trump moved at lightning speed in the House.
“Fahrenheit 9/11” whipped up an international media storm.
In Brazil’s capital city Brasilia, anti-World Cup protesters stormed a building while a main thoroughfare in Sao Paulo was blocked with burning tires.
Japanese TV products stormed the world market during the era of cathode-ray tube TVs. But Japanese electronics makers were defeated in the flat-screen TV race.
Oil production in the Gulf of Mexico decreased by 93 percent as Hurricane Isaac headed toward Louisiana as a Category 1 storm.
The mass abduction of more than 200 schoolgirls by an Islamic militant group in Nigeria triggered a storm of international condemnation.
To attend the Republican National Convention, Republicans assembled in Tampa, Fla. which had already battened down against the approach of a tropical storm.
Tokyo Gov. Naoki Inose has made public a simple IOU given by him to the Tokushukai medical group, in an attempt to quell the storm over a controversial loan he received from the group.
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