「government agencies」の検索結果



野に遺賢なからしめるleave no man of talent outside government service

administrative document

英和 用語・用例辞典
行政文書administrative documentの用例Hard disk drives containing administrative documents of the Kanagawa prefectural government were resol…

economic boost

英和 用語・用例辞典
景気浮揚 景気刺激economic boostの用例A significant economic boost cannot be expected from the government’s handout policies such as the fla…

second supplementary budget

英和 用語・用例辞典
二次補正予算 第2次補正予算(案)second supplementary budgetの用例At a Cabinet meeting, the government approved a second supplementary budget …

Palestinian autonomous government

英和 用語・用例辞典
パレスチナ自治政府 (⇒Palestine)Palestinian autonomous governmentの用例For the Palestinian autonomous government, it has a significant symbo…


英和 用語・用例辞典
(名)石綿 アスベストasbestosの用例Currently, there are no environment standards governing asbestos concentrations in the atmosphere in gener…

Al-Qaida linked militants

英和 用語・用例辞典
アル・カーイダ系武装組織 アル・カーイダ系武装集団Al-Qaida linked militantsの用例As the Baghdad government battles a resurgence of Al-Qaida …

transitional government

英和 用語・用例辞典
暫定政権 暫定政府 (=caretaker government)transitional governmentの関連語句transitional law暫定法transitional measures暫定措置 経過措置trans…

fiscal outlays

英和 用語・用例辞典
財政支出 (=fiscal payments)fiscal outlaysの用例The government cut its fiscal outlays to government-affiliated corporations by ¥1.1 trillio…

female labor force

英和 用語・用例辞典
女子労働力 女性の人材female labor forceの用例To restore domestic industries, the government will designate the next five years as an emerge…

offer subsidies

英和 用語・用例辞典
助成金を出すoffer subsidiesの用例The government offers subsidies to companies hiring middle-aged and elderly workers who have lost their jo…

come in for

英和 用語・用例辞典
〜の分け前をもらう (批判などを)受ける 〜を被(こうむ)る 〜の対象になる 〜の態勢に入るcome in forの用例The government came in for a barrage o…


〔仕返し,復讐(ふくしゅう)〕retaliation, revenge; (a) reprisal(▼可算名詞の場合,しばしば複数);〔報い〕retribution報復する retaliate ((ag…

industrial circles

英和 用語・用例辞典
産業界industrial circlesの用例Both Japanese and South Korean industrial circles hope talks between their governments over a free trade agre…


英和 用語・用例辞典
(名)引当金 見込み額 値引き 控除 手当て 承認 許可 排出権 排出割当てallowanceの関連語句allowance for credit losses貸倒れ引当金(=allowance for…

sign a contract

英和 用語・用例辞典
契約書に調印[署名]する 契約を締結する 契約を結ぶ (⇒food company)sign a contractの用例After the release of radioactive substances from Fukus…

industrial sector

英和 用語・用例辞典
工業部門 産業界 鉱工業セクターindustrial sectorの用例The industrial sector welcomes the government’s latest move to diversify rare earth su…

federal [Federal] deficit

英和 用語・用例辞典
米政府の赤字 米財政赤字 (=federal budget deficit)federal [Federal] deficitの用例Obama’s spendthrift, big-government policies have hurt busi…

health of government finances

英和 用語・用例辞典
財政状況 財政の健全性 健全な財政health of government financesの用例As the U.S. fiscal deficit has exceeded $1 trillion for four straight ye…


英和 用語・用例辞典
(形)弱腰の 弱い 意気地なしの 決断力のない 優柔不断な おどおどした びくびくしたweak-kneedの用例Tokyo Gov. Shintaro Ishihara denounced the we…


英和 用語・用例辞典
自家[自花]受粉self-fertilizationの関連語句self-financing自己金融 (=auto-financing)self-government自治self-image自己像 自己イメージ 自己観se…


4月から役所に奉職したHe entered government [public] service in April./He became a government official in April.兄は財務省に奉職しているMy…


〔米国FBI所属捜査官の俗称〕a G-man ((複 -men)) (▼a government manの略)

provide money to financial markets

英和 用語・用例辞典
金融市場に資金を供給するprovide money to financial marketsの用例All nine members of the BOJ’s Policy Board, or the governor, two deputy gov…


grant下げ渡し a grant政府は土地を農民に下げ渡したThe Government made a grant of land to the farmers.

smaller accounts

英和 用語・用例辞典
小口預金 少額預金 小口投資家smaller accountsの用例The Cypriot government was forced to present an alternative to the tax on bank deposits d…


英和 用語・用例辞典
(名)緊縮 節約 節減 削減 縮小 減少 資産圧縮 業務縮小 削除除去 省略retrenchmentの関連語句demand retrenchment需要削減economic retrenchment経済…

establish an independent judiciary

英和 用語・用例辞典
独立した司法を確立するestablish an independent judiciaryの用例Afghan government is urged to work toward rooting out corruption, establish a…

relax regulations

英和 用語・用例辞典
規制を緩和するrelax regulationsの用例As the centerpiece of deregulation measures, the government plans to create “national strategic specia…

create an environment

英和 用語・用例辞典
環境を作る 環境を整備するcreate an environmentの用例Amid public calls for eliminating the waiting lists for licensed day care centers, it i…

collection of debts

英和 用語・用例辞典
債権回収collection of debtsの用例To make RCC’s collection of debts more efficient, the government plans to actively recruit financial exper…


英和 用語・用例辞典
(名)投薬 投薬量 服用量 放射線の線量 X線などの投与量[放射線量]dosageの用例The government should clarify to the nation what the maximum permi…


英和 用語・用例辞典
(副)安定的に 安定して 一定に しっかりしてstablyの用例The government will bolster the Japan Coast Guard’s policing abilities to stably maint…


英和 用語・用例辞典
(名)蘇り 復活 復興 回復 再起 再生 再燃 再流行 復権resurgenceの関連語句a resurgence in inflationインフレの再燃a resurgence in loan demand借…

interest payment

英和 用語・用例辞典
利払い 金利の支払い 利子支払い 利息の返済 支払い利息 (⇒outweigh)interest paymentの用例A rise in long-term interest rates will increase inte…

economic and fiscal policies

英和 用語・用例辞典
経済・財政政策economic and fiscal policiesの用例This ¥30 trillion cap has hobbled the government’s economic and fiscal policies.この30兆円…

improvement in air pollution

英和 用語・用例辞典
大気汚染の改善improvement in air pollutionの用例No significant improvement in air pollution in China has been seen as many factories have i…

エー‐エフ‐ジー‐イー【AFGE】[American Federation of Government Employees]

《American Federation of Government Employees》米国行政府職員連合。1932年設立。本部はワシントン。


民間の 〔官庁に対して〕private, nongovernment;〔軍に対して〕civilian民間から選ばれた代表delegates chosen from among ordinary [private] cit…

Development Bank of Japan

英和 用語・用例辞典
日本政策投資銀行Development Bank of Japanの用例Two domestic carriers have been given a total of ¥85 billion in emergency loans by the gove…

announce to grant the People’s Honor Award

英和 用語・用例辞典
国民栄誉賞の授与を発表するannounce to grant the People’s Honor Awardの用例The government announced to grant baseball legends Shigeo Nagashi…


〔社会人〕a public person [figure];〔公職にある人〕a government official,《米》 an officeholder


英和 用語・用例辞典
(動)(政府などを)転覆する 倒す 失脚させる (制度などを)打破する 廃するoverthrowの関連語句conspire to overthrow the government共謀して政府転覆…

North Korea’s authoritarian government

英和 用語・用例辞典
北朝鮮の独裁政権North Korea’s authoritarian governmentの用例So long as the North Korea’s authoritarian government responds in kind, South K…

long-term Japanese government bonds

英和 用語・用例辞典
日本の長期国債long-term Japanese government bondsの用例Standard & Poor’s downgraded long-term Japanese government bonds by one notch from A…


東京都庁the Tokyo Metropolitan Government (Office)


英和 用語・用例辞典
国際協力機構 (Japan International Cooperation Agencyの略)JICAの用例With the integration of the Japan Bank for International Cooperation’s d…


the ringleader; the instigator ((of a plot))反政府運動の張本人the ringleader of an antigovernment movement

facilitate investment

英和 用語・用例辞典
投資を促す 投資を促進する 投資をしやすくするfacilitate investmentの用例Prime Minister Abe delivered a speech at the New York Stock Exchange…

ジー‐シー‐エフ【GCF】[government crowd funding]

《government crowd funding》⇒ガバメントクラウドファンディング





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