
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説


(名)交渉 協議 商談 取引 流通 権利の移転 譲渡 輸出地の取引銀行による荷為替手形の買取り ネゴシエーション (⇒international negotiations, merger negotiations, reduce)



About ten major Japanese automakers are scheduled to take part in an industrial parts and materials exhibition and procurement negotiation fair in Seoul.

After Israel and the Palestinian Authority have agreed to resume final status negotiations between them, ministerial-level officials from both parties are to meet in the near future to work out the terms and preconditions for the negotiations.

After more than two and a half years of on-and-off negotiations between Washington and Beijing, the “Phase 1” trade deal was announced.

After negotiations between Iran and the six nations over the Iranian nuclear development issue fell apart, Iran has proposed getting them back on track.

All eyes have turned to Toyota, the trend-setter for wage talks, with spring wage negotiations getting into full swing.

Argentina clinched a debt rollover deal with the IMF after a year of tortuous negotiations.

As a condition for the territorial negotiations, Noda told Putin that consideration should be paid to public sentiment in Japan.

As a preliminary meeting ahead of full-fledged negotiations among senior Foreign Ministry officials, Japan and North Korea held bilateral talks at the Japanese Embassy in Beijing for the first time in four years.

As negotiations to form a coalition government fell apart after a general election, the political turmoil in Greece has deepened.

Both Koizumi and Kim Jong-il agreed in the Japan-North Korea Pyongyang Declaration to resume negotiations on normalizing bilateral relations in October 2002.

Concerning the long-standing territorial dispute over four islands off Hokkaido, Prime Minister Abe and Russian President Putin have concurred in spurring negotiations to find a solution acceptable to both.

Cuban and U.S. officials have ended the third round of negotiations over the restoration of full diplomatic relations.

If the European Commission’s proposal on the start of negotiations on a comprehensive partnership agreement between the EU and the United State is approved by all 27 member countries, the Commission will be able to begin talks with the U.S. on behalf of the EU.

In its final presentation to the general meeting of the International Olympic Committee at a hotel in the Argentine capital, Japan will be tested as to whether it can truly be hard-nosed in negotiations by using other participants’ weak points.

In renewing lease contracts for about 47,000 landowners’ property used by U.S. forces in Okinawa Prefecture, negotiations between landowners’ associations and the government are running into rough waters.

In the next round of negotiations, labeling and trade rules for food produced with genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are expected to be discussed.

It seems inevitable that the TPP free trade negotiations will drag on for a protracted period.

Japan and Russia will restart negotiations toward a peace treaty which have been deadlocked.

Japan has started negotiations on a trade agreement with Britain that left the EU, with the possibility of Britain joining the Trans-Pacific Partnership in mind.

Japan has yet to enter full-scale TPP negotiations, but the LDP has not presented concrete measures to prepare for the liberalization of trade, including steps to bolster competitiveness in the agricultural sector.

Labor-management negotiations among large companies are getting into full swing.

Moves to break up the system of lock-step wage increases based on seniority are spreading in this year’s spring wage negotiations.

Negotiation on the Iranian nuclear issue by envoys stretched out for extra hours.

Obama’s proposal to increase tax rates for the wealthy earning more than $400,000 a year is commendable as it shows his willingness to bring the stalled negotiations between Obama and Congress to a close.

Prime Minister Abe said that at a summit meeting with U.S. President Barack Obama, the two leaders confirmed abolishing tariffs on all items was not a prerequisite for joining the TPP negotiations.

Regarding the first agreement with Iran since the start of negotiations in 2008 on Iran’s suspected nuclear weapons development plans, Israel and U.S. congressional hard-liners fiercely protested the accord in its entirety.

Russian President Putin will enter negotiations with Japan on the issue of Japan’s northern territories.

Six world powers and Iran are forging ahead with efforts to secure a deal, but they still face significant gaps in their negotiations to curb Tehran’s nuclear program.

Softbank Corp. is in negotiations with Ripplewood Holdings LLC to acquire Japan Telecom Co.

Talks aimed at cutting each side’s nuclear arsenal were at an impasse after U.S. Under Secretary of State John Bolton cut short a key round of negotiations with Mamedov.

The Abe administration faces several major challenges such as lifting the economy out of deflation, reconstruction from the Great East Japan Earthquake and the TPP negotiations.

The companies have entered final negotiations over forming capital and business alliances.

The firm envisioned negotiations with the U.S. equity fund over financing for restructuring in a reconstruction plan it formulated in June.

The focus of attention in the spring wage increase negotiations between labor and management is whether the firm will fully meet the demand of its labor force for a basic monthly pay hike of ¥4,000.

The issue of securing financial resources of a new support system for patients suffering from rare diseases will be conferred at minister-level negotiations.

The negotiations on a new greenhouse gas reduction framework between developed countries and such emerging economies as China have a tough road ahead.

The new LDP government is required to set a realistic target for cuts in greenhouse gas emissions to replace the current one and reshape a strategy for international negotiations on this matter.

The Palestinian autonomous government should capitalize on the international community’s support to resume peace negotiations with Israel.

The UNSC resolution requiring Syria to give up its chemical weapons passed after two weeks of white-knuckle negotiations and marked a major breakthrough in the paralysis which has gripped the council.

The upcoming negotiations will determine practical measures to strengthen ties, including the merger ratio, the name of the new group and the positions to be held by top executives.

The WTO General Council manages the overall WTO negotiations.

Through negotiations with opposition parties, the government needs to amend the bill on the integration of the corporate employees’ pension program with the mutual-aid pension program.

U.S. soldier’s handover to U.S. forces followed indirect negotiations between the Taliban and the U.S., in which the government of Qatar served as the go-between.

出典 日外アソシエーツ「英和 用語・用例辞典」英和 用語・用例辞典について 情報




1 [U][C](協定・取引での)交渉,話し合い,折衝,商談([連語] [形]+negotiation:〔難度〕complex/intensive/tough;〔時間〕lengthy/prolonged/ongoing/current/future/forthcoming;〔形式〕all-party/bilateral/formal/informal/direct/face-to-face/high-level;〔種類〕contractual/political

trade negotiations

diplomatic negotiation

the negotiation of a ceasefire

negotiations for a new contract

be under negotiations

enter into [open, start] negotiations with ...

carry on [resume, break off] negotiations with ...

be in negotiations with ...

be open to negotiation

2 [U]うまく通り抜ける[乗り越える]こと;(取引・業務の)遂行

3 [U](手形などの)流通,譲渡

出典 小学館「プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)」プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)について 情報 | 凡例





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