英和 用語・用例辞典の解説
(名)職業 仕事 職 職種 業種 (仕事などに)従事すること 占領 占拠 制圧 支配 (地位などの)保有 暇つぶし 娯楽 余暇の過ごし方
In an impeachment trial over the occupation of the U.S. Capitol by the supporters and others of former President Donald Trump on January 6, 2021 when Congress was in the proceedings to formally confirm the election of Joe Biden as the next president, the Senate has acquitted Trump as the number of voters fell short of the two-thirds majority, needed for a conviction.
South Korea’s illegal occupation of the Takeshima islands will become widely known to the international community through Japan’s planned lodging of a suit to the ICJ.
The advantage of freelancers working in a wide range of occupations lies in being able to use their knowledge and skills to work at any time or place.
The Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) is a U.S.-led body that administers Iraq’s occupation.
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