

driven by anxiety

英和 用語・用例辞典
不安にかられた〜 不安にかられてdriven by anxietyの用例Such problems as hoarding by residents driven by anxiety could be caused by the decla…


英和 用語・用例辞典
(動)(人から金を)巻き上げる(overcharge) 詐取する 〜をかもにする 欺(あざむ)く ぺてんにかける だます 暴利をむさぼる だまし取る ゆすり取る (溝…

negative territory

英和 用語・用例辞典
マイナス マイナス基調 (=minus territory;⇒territory)negative territoryの用例It is the sixth straight quarter that business sentiment among l…

point of origin

英和 用語・用例辞典
源泉地point of originの用例The point of origin (the location of the selling organization) of revenues and the location of the assets determ…

produce and market

英和 用語・用例辞典
生産・販売[製造・販売]する 生産[製造]、販売するproduce and marketの用例Pop items have been produced and marketed with such middle-income pe…

self-sustaining operation

英和 用語・用例辞典
自立した事業self-sustaining operationの用例Self-sustaining operations are those whose economic activities are largely independent of those …

shipbuilding unit

英和 用語・用例辞典
造船子会社shipbuilding unitの用例JFE Holdings Inc. and IHI Corp. reached a basic agreement to merge their shipbuilding units after four yea…

spread of the COVID-19

英和 用語・用例辞典
新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)の拡大spread of the COVID-19の用例The World Health Organization (WHO) has recognized the spread of the CO…

vote to acquit

英和 用語・用例辞典
〜に無罪評決を下すvote to acquitの用例The U.S. Senate voted to acquit President Trump on two impeachment charges of abuse of power and obst…


corn,soya,milk トウモロコシ・大豆粉・粉ミルク混合の補助食品;《宇宙》command and service modules (宇宙船の)指令船;((英))Committee on S…

com・pel・ling /kəmpéliŋ/

[形]1 人の心をつかんで離さない,尊敬[賞賛]せずにいられない;説得力のある.a compelling story非常におもしろい話compelling argument説得力に…

magnetic information

英和 用語・用例辞典
磁気情報magnetic informationの用例The magnetic information on a cash card can be read easily with a machine, and is used for forging cards.…

major cause

英和 用語・用例辞典
主因 大きな原因 最大の原因 元凶 (=main cause)major causeの用例The amount of cedar pollen, a major cause of allergic reactions, is likely to…

oil consuming country [nation, state]

英和 用語・用例辞典
石油消費国 (⇒prevent)oil consuming country [nation, state]の用例Oil consuming countries must promote energy saving measures so that oil dem…

public debate

英和 用語・用例辞典
公開討論public debateの用例A public debate of the prime minister and former DPJ’s Secretary General Ichiro Ozawa was organized by the Japan…

framework of dialogue

英和 用語・用例辞典
対話の枠組みframework of dialogueの用例Washington and China, the two largest emitters of greenhouse gases, agreed to create a framework of …

business foundation

英和 用語・用例辞典
事業基盤 経営体力business foundationの用例It is still uncertain whether the merger, prompted by a sense of crisis, will strengthen business…

criminal insult

英和 用語・用例辞典
侮辱罪criminal insultの用例Prosecutors filed [brought] a summary indictment on charges of criminal insult against a man who sent abusive co…

crude inventory

英和 用語・用例辞典
原油在庫crude inventoryの用例The U.S. crude inventory declined by 27.1 million barrels over the last three weeks, the Energy Department sai…

draw money

英和 用語・用例辞典
金を引き出す 資金を引き出すdraw moneyの用例Some companies draw their money from bank accounts to cover recently rising energy and raw mater…

easing measures

英和 用語・用例辞典
緩和策easing measuresの用例Any additional easing measures would only have a limited impact if they were made at the urging of financial mar…

economic event

英和 用語・用例辞典
経済事象 経済の動き 経済動向economic eventの用例A business combination is a significant economic event that results from bargaining between…

emission reduction

英和 用語・用例辞典
排出量削減 (=emission cut)emission reductionの用例The U.S. and China have recently announced their medium-term targets for CO2 emission red…

shift of funds

英和 用語・用例辞典
資金の移動 資金移動 資金シフトshift of fundsの用例A sudden, huge shift of funds could bring even healthy financial institutions to the verg…

u・ti・lize, ((主に英))u・ti・lise /júːtəlàiz/

[動](他)((形式))…を(…に/…として)利用する,役立たせる≪for/as≫.utilize hemp for making ropeロープを作るために麻を利用するutilize the sun a…

eleventh hour

英和 用語・用例辞典
ぎりぎりのところ ぎりぎりの段階 土壇場 最後ぎりぎりの瞬間 きわどい時eleventh hourの用例Sen. John Kerry rode an eleventh hour surge to victo…

public interest corporation

英和 用語・用例辞典
公益法人public interest corporationの用例Currently, public interest corporations are established based on the judgment of government minist…

state-run media

英和 用語・用例辞典
国営メディアstate-run mediaの用例China’s state-run media charged the United States with fanning flames of division in the region of the Sou…

train・ing /tréiniŋ/

[名][U]1 訓練,教育,養成,研修;しつけ,調教.teacher [in-service] training教員[現職中]研修be in training for ... [to do]…の[…になるた…

Scud missile

英和 用語・用例辞典
スカッド・ミサイル (旧ソ連の短距離弾道ミサイル)Scud missileの用例Syrian government forces have fired Scud missiles at insurgents in norther…


英和 用語・用例辞典
(名)郵便料金postageの関連語句postage and packing (charges)郵便料金と包装料 郵便・小包料金 (=postage and handling)postage due郵便不足料金pos…

raise output

英和 用語・用例辞典
生産〔生産量〕を引き上げる 生産を拡大する 増産するraise outputの用例G-7 finance ministers urged oil-producing countries to raise output to …

ruling group

英和 用語・用例辞典
支配勢力ruling groupの用例The withdrawal of the ISAF’s combat troops may lead to a weakened government and a resurgence of the former rulin…

short-lived upturn

英和 用語・用例辞典
薄命の景気回復short-lived upturnの用例Should the government forge ahead with its belt-tightening policy, the budding economic recovery may …

dole-out measures

英和 用語・用例辞典
バラマキ政策 (⇒handout policies, suprapartisan)dole-out measuresの用例Mainly due to dole-out measures, the Japanese government’s finances a…


英和 用語・用例辞典
(形)ぎっしり詰まった 満ち溢れている 満ち満ちた 盛りだくさんのchock-fullの用例The bill is chock-full of significant increases in food aid fo…

structural reform

英和 用語・用例辞典
構造改革 (⇒in full swing, urge)structural reformの関連語句business structural reform事業構造改革implement structural reforms構造改革を実施…

steal personal information

英和 用語・用例辞典
個人情報を盗み取る 個人情報を抜き取るsteal personal informationの用例Malicious businesses are propelling the surge in the number of new vir…

export drive

英和 用語・用例辞典
輸出ドライブ 輸出攻勢 輸出拡大圧力 輸出競争力export driveの用例China has been viewed as a nation whose export drive derives from its inexpe…

e・mer・gent /imə́ːrdʒənt/

[形]1 〈人・物などが〉姿を現した,とび出た,突き出た.1a 《生態》〈木などが〉超高木の(◇熱帯多雨林で周囲の林冠からとび抜けて高い);〈水生…

es・car・got /èskɑːrɡóu | eskάːɡou/


Geor・gi・na /dʒɔːrdʒíːnə/




Geor・gian /dʒɔ́ːrdʒən/

[形]1 ジョージ王朝(時代)の(◇英国王ジョージ1世から4世の治世).1a (建築が)ジョージ王朝風の.2 ジョージ5・6世時代の.2a (英文学が)…




[動](自)1 星を見つめる;星を観測する.2 ((略式))=daydream.

sar・gas・so /sɑːrɡǽsou/


or・gan・ism /ɔ́ːrɡənìzm/

[名][C]1 有機体;生物.2 (社会などの)有機的組織体.

lith・arge /líθɑːrdʒ/








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