(動)加える 追加する 加算する 合計する 付加する 付け加える 添付する 増す 強化する 高める 押し上げる 上乗せする
add in
〜を算入する 〜を含める 〜を加える
add on
付け足す 加える 追加する 建て増す 増築する
add synergy
add up
add value to
to add to
As it is the government’s duty to help secure the safety of Japanese abroad, the draft revisions of the SDF law call for adding overland transportation of Japanese nationals abroad to the scope of SDF missions.
Chinese home appliance giant Haier Group Co. plans to actively add new washing machines to the high-end Aqua brand sold in Japan.
Fuel surcharge is a fee added to international airfares based on fuel prices.
If the revised Public Offices Election Law is applied to the upper house election scheduled in 2016, about 2.4 million minors aged 18 and 19 will be added to eligible voters.
In the case of au Insurance’s cell phone-based policy sales, policyholders are allowed to pay premiums by adding them to monthly mobile charges.
It’s essential for Indonesia to be more integrated into the regional production network while increasing its share of the value it can add within global value chains, in order to create skilled jobs and increase foreign currency earnings.
Online games are problematic if children are caught up in them as the guardians of children have to pay a huge amount of charges added to bills for mobile phone services.
STAP cells were produced by collecting lymphocytes from mice spleen, bathing them in acid solution for about 30 minutes, and after that by cultivating the lymphocyte cells by adding a special protein. The process transformed the cells into pluripotent cells in two or three days.
The government is to add the oil industries to the list of“key infrastructure”that requires greater protective measures, taking its cue from lessons from the 2011 earthquake.
The price of regular gas has gone up for six weeks because oil wholesalers have added their import costs, which have been going up due to the weak yen since the end of last year, to the retail price.
Under the feed-in tariff system, the cost of purchasing renewable energy from licensed business operators will be added to electricity charges set by power utilities.
Washoku, Japanese traditional cuisine, will be added to UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage List.