
Republican presidential candidate

英和 用語・用例辞典
共和党大統領候補Republican presidential candidateの用例Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney is a “small government” advocate.米共…

hidden treasure

英和 用語・用例辞典
埋蔵金 霞が関埋蔵金 (財務相が管理する特別会計のなかにある積立金のこと)hidden treasureの用例Accumulated surplus funds from previous years ar…

articles of agreement

英和 用語・用例辞典
契約覚書 契約書 基本定款(agreement of articles) 設立協定 社団の規約articles of agreementの用例According to the AIIB’s Articles of Agreement…

interim settlement of accounts

英和 用語・用例辞典
中間決算interim settlement of accountsの用例Neither of Mitsui Trust Holdings, Inc. and another major financial group has yet released repor…

fait accompli

英和 用語・用例辞典
既成事実 (=accomplished fact;複数形はfaits accompli)fait accompliの関連語句accept 〜 as a fait accompli〜を既成事実として受け入れる[認める]…


❶〔付随する〕登山は多くの危険を伴うMountain climbing involves many risks.その事業には大きな困難が伴った《文》 The undertaking was attended …

majority of shareholders

英和 用語・用例辞典
多数[過半数の]の株主 株主の過半数majority of shareholdersの用例In Japanese companies, a low priority is put on earnings power and returning…

investment climate

英和 用語・用例辞典
投資環境 (=investment environment)investment climateの用例As a member country of the WTO, Moscow should first improve Russia’s investment c…

balance for the income account

英和 用語・用例辞典
所得収支 (=income balance)balance for the income accountの用例The balance for the income account reflecting financial flows between Japan a…


a tragic [terrible] incident; a disastrous accident炭鉱の惨事a terrible accident in a coal mine旅客機が墜落して大惨事となったThe (air)plane…

ac・count・a・ble /əkáuntəbl/

[形]1 〈人・組織が〉(行為・管理などについての/人に)説明責任がある,釈明の義務がある,(結果)責任を負う[問われる]≪for/to≫.He will be h…


《device client access license》⇒キャル(CAL)


transfer郵便振替で会費を送金したI sent my membership fee by postal transfer.振替口座番号東京100番postal transfer account No. 100 Tokyo振替…

wage cuts

英和 用語・用例辞典
賃金引下げ 賃下げ 賃金カットwage cutsの用例Wage-earning households account for about 60 percent of total household spending.サラリーマン世…


英和 用語・用例辞典
(形)偽の 虚偽の 粉飾の 模造の 模倣の 架空の (=fake)bogusの関連語句bogus business tripカラ出張 (=fraudulent business trip)bogus cash card偽…


英和 用語・用例辞典
(名)整理 売却 (=divestiture)divestmentの関連語句divestment of equity into public hands株式の公開divestment of subsidiaries子会社の売却dives…


総決算a complete settlement of accounts総選挙a general election総所得one's gross income総代理店a general agency/a sole agent

accounts receivable

英和 用語・用例辞典
売掛債権 売掛金accounts receivableの用例A new type of black-market financing called “salary factoring” takes the form of purchasing rights …

final accounts

英和 用語・用例辞典
年次財務諸表 決算final accountsの関連語句the final accounts of government spending and revenue国の収入・支出の決算final accountsの用例The C…

profit and loss statement

英和 用語・用例辞典
損益計算書 (=profit and loss account, statement of earnings, statement of income, statement of operations)profit and loss statementの用例Th…

exploit the favorable business environment

英和 用語・用例辞典
経営環境の好転を生かすexploit the favorable business environmentの用例In settlements of accounts for fiscal 2013, companies in wide-ranging…


the current [present] term当期の決算the settlement of accounts for this term


the items [details] of an account; an accounting勘定[費用]の内訳を示しなさいItemize the account [expenses].支出の内訳a breakdown of expen…

investigative source

英和 用語・用例辞典
捜査関係者investigative sourceの用例According to investigative sources, Mt. Gox, a company which conducted transaction in the bitcoin virtu…

general account

英和 用語・用例辞典
一般会計 一般歳出general accountの用例In this fiscal year’s initial budget, the nation’s social security expenditure sucked up 30 percent o…


英和 用語・用例辞典
(形)責任がある 責任能力があるaccountableの関連語句be held accountable for〜の責任を問われる 〜について責任があるhold accountable the party’…


英和 用語・用例辞典
(名)合意 同意 合意書 合意文書 協定 条約(treaty) 意見の一致 和解 代物弁済accordの関連語句a basic accord基本合意a ceasefire accord停戦合意a n…

usage fee

英和 用語・用例辞典
使用料 利用料金usage feeの関連語句facility equipment usage fees施設設備使用料monthly usage fee月額利用料金 月額利用料usage feeの用例College…

property claims

英和 用語・用例辞典
財産請求権property claimsの用例As a mystifying act for a country ruled by law, the South Korean judicial authorities seem to have been taki…

country ruled by law

英和 用語・用例辞典
法治国家country ruled by lawの用例As a mystifying act for a country ruled by law, the South Korean judicial authorities seem to have been t…

record high profit

英和 用語・用例辞典
過去最高益record high profitの用例In favorable settlements of accounts for fiscal 2013, companies one after another reported record high pr…


ポケットプログレッシブ仏和・和仏辞典 第3版(和仏の部)
court(e), bref(ève)短く切る|couper court休み時間が短い|Le temps de la pause est court.秋には日が短くなる|Les jours raccourcissent…

judge panel

英和 用語・用例辞典
裁判官の合議 裁判官の合議体judge panelの用例More 3-judge panels in civil cases, which the top court calls for, include liability claims on …


英和 用語・用例辞典
(名)事故 災難 災害 思いがけない出来事 偶然 アクシデントaccidentの関連語句a building accidentビル災害accident allowance災害手当てaccident an…

current account levels

英和 用語・用例辞典
経常収支水準current account levelsの用例The g-20 nations will draw up a guideline to correct current account levels.世界「主要」20か国・地…

overall sales

英和 用語・用例辞典
売上全体 総売上overall salesの用例Financial services account for about 60 percent of the company’s overall sales.金融事業は、同社の売上全体…


〔未払い〕an outstanding [overdue] account;〔銀行預金などの〕an overdraft10万円貸し越しになっています〔銀行口座から〕You have overdrawn yo…


❶〔全体,全般〕一般的 〔全体的〕general;〔普遍的〕universal一般的に generally一般の大衆the general public/the public (at large)今年は一般…

amount of capital contribution

英和 用語・用例辞典
出資額amount of capital contributionの用例The amount of capital contribution to the AIIB by each founding member country was calculated bas…


a loan;〔帳簿上の〕debits and credits人と貸借関係があるhave accounts to settle with a person貸借期限the term [period] of a loan貸借対照表a…

climate refugees

英和 用語・用例辞典
気候難民climate refugeesの関連語句deflationary climateデフレ傾向 デフレ環境 デフレ的雰囲気difficult climate conditions厳しい気候条件financi…


⇒ちょきん(貯金)貯蓄する save (up); set aside彼は年収の1割をきまって貯蓄しているHe regularly puts aside ten percent of his annual income.…


absence ((from school, from work)) on account of illness今日は病欠の[流感のため病欠した]生徒が多かったMany pupils were absent today becau…

balance of payments

英和 用語・用例辞典
国際収支 支払い差額 支払い残高 BOP (=balance of international payments, international balance of payments;⇒international balance of payment…

purchase of companies’ accounts receivable

英和 用語・用例辞典
企業の売掛債権の買取りpurchase of companies’ accounts receivableの用例A new type of black-market financing called “salary factoring” takes …

huge consolidated after-tax loss

英和 用語・用例辞典
巨額の連結税引き後赤字huge consolidated after-tax lossの用例Domestic home electronics makers of Panasonic Corp., Sharp Corp. and Sony Corp.…

market economy model

英和 用語・用例辞典
市場経済モデルmarket economy modelの用例In countries that are based on a genuine market economy model, current account balances are just th…

business operations

英和 用語・用例辞典
業務運営 企業運営 企業経営 経営 営業活動 営業運転 業務 事業 業容 (列車などの)営業運転business operationsの用例As to JA Zenchu, it has been …

raccourcir /rakursiːr ラクルスィール/

プログレッシブ 仏和辞典 第2版
直説法現在je raccourcisnous raccourcissonstu raccourcisvous raccourcissezil raccourcitils raccourcissent[他動]➊ …を短くする,縮める.raccou…

the outstanding balance of contracts

英和 用語・用例辞典
保有契約高 保有契約 保険の総額 (=outstanding contracts)the outstanding balance of contractsの関連語句the outstanding balance of current acc…





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