「government agencies」の検索結果


bank governor

英和 用語・用例辞典
(中央)銀行総裁 日銀総裁bank governorの用例The independence of the central bank will be undermined if the government is given the power to d…


英和 用語・用例辞典
(名)再雇用 再就職reemploymentの関連語句Reemployment Act of 19941994年再雇用法reemployment of retired central government employees退職した国…

in a bizarre move

英和 用語・用例辞典
奇妙な動きとしてin a bizarre moveの用例In a bizarre move, the Rules and Administration committees of both houses of the Diet have called on…

government survey

英和 用語・用例辞典
政府の調査 政府のまとめ 国のまとめ[調査]government surveyの用例According to a government survey, the employment rate among new university g…

electronic government

英和 用語・用例辞典
電子政府 電脳政府 (=e-government:行政サービスや各種データの電子化)electronic governmentの用例By forming the alliance, the firms hope to exp…

illicit activity

英和 用語・用例辞典
違法行為 不法行為illicit activityの用例The U.S. government froze the assets of four individuals and eight entities that were involved in il…

public workers’ wages

英和 用語・用例辞典
公務員の給与 公務員給与public workers’ wagesの用例The Italian government has announced it will freeze public workers’ wages for three years…

supply shortage

英和 用語・用例辞典
供給不足supply shortageの用例As TEPCO and Tohoku Electric anticipated supply shortages last summer, the government issued legally binding p…

state revenue

英和 用語・用例辞典
歳入state revenueの用例The government couldn’t secure fiscal resources of ¥38 trillion, equivalent to 40 percent of projected state revenu…

long-term government bonds

英和 用語・用例辞典
長期国債long-term government bondsの用例The U.S. Federal Reserve Board will spend up to $300 billion over the next six months to buy long-t…

stage a protest against

英和 用語・用例辞典
〜に対して[〜に対する]抗議デモを行う 〜に対して抗議デモをするstage a protest againstの用例In Urumqi, the minority Uyghurs staged protests a…

change of government [administration]

英和 用語・用例辞典
政権交代 (=change in political leadership;⇒assessment)change of government [administration]の用例Abe has been emphasizing that the number o…

surveillance drone

英和 用語・用例辞典
無人偵察機surveillance droneの用例As the Baghdad government battles a resurgence of Al-Qaida linked militants, the United States will speed…

child rearing [child-rearing]

英和 用語・用例辞典
子育て 育児child rearing [child-rearing]の関連語句Child-rearing and Nursing Care Leave Law育児・介護休業法 (1992年に施行。会社などで働く人…

improvement in the real GDP

英和 用語・用例辞典
実質GDP(国内総生産)の改善improvement in the real GDPの用例The improvement in the real GDP was mainly due to a recovery in exports and polic…

significant improvement

英和 用語・用例辞典
大きな改善 大幅改善significant improvementの用例No significant improvement in air pollution in China has been seen as many factories have i…

develop a legal basis

英和 用語・用例辞典
法制を整備するdevelop a legal basisの用例It is necessary for the government to develop a legal basis for counterintelligence to prevent sen…

thorough warning and surveillance system

英和 用語・用例辞典
万全の警戒・監視体制thorough warning and surveillance systemの用例China’s infringements of Japanese sovereignty have been continuing, so th…

redemption sources

英和 用語・用例辞典
償還財源redemption sourcesの用例If the government adheres to its stance of capping the annual issuance of government bonds at ¥30 trillion…

internet auction

英和 用語・用例辞典
インターネット・オークション ネット・オークション[ネット・オークション] (=Net auction)internet auctionの用例Hard disk drives containing adm…

spike in Spanish government bond yields

英和 用語・用例辞典
スペインの国債利回りの上昇[急騰]spike in Spanish government bond yieldsの用例Following a spike in Spanish government bond yields, the euro …

issuance of new government bonds

英和 用語・用例辞典
新規国債の発行 新規国債発行額issuance of new government bondsの用例In Japan, the issuance of new government bonds has exceeded tax revenues…

financial strength

英和 用語・用例辞典
資金力 財務力 財務体質 財務面での健全性 金融機関の体力financial strengthの用例It is unknown how the EU’s stress test that measured the fina…

economic and fiscal management

英和 用語・用例辞典
経済財政運営 経済・財政運営economic and fiscal managementの用例The government is needed to appropriately proceed with economic and fiscal m…

aging society accompanied by a falling birthrate

英和 用語・用例辞典
少子高齢化aging society accompanied by a falling birthrateの用例The government will grapple squarely with the aging society accompanied by …

maintain and manage

英和 用語・用例辞典
維持・管理するmaintain and manageの用例The government will bolster the Japan Coast Guard’s policing abilities to stably maintain and manage…


❶〔物質の〕政府は保育所の充足を目指しているThe Government is working toward providing enough day nurseries.❷〔精神の〕欲望を充足するsatisfy…


英和 用語・用例辞典
(形)危険な 危ない 扱いにくい 悪い状態の 厳しい 度を過ぎた 利口な 抜け目のない (副)大いに とても ひじょうに きわめてparlousの関連語句a parlo…

U.S. National Security Agency

英和 用語・用例辞典
米国国家安全保障局 NSAU.S. National Security Agencyの用例According to documents released by the whistle-blowing [whistleblowing] website Wi…


英和 用語・用例辞典
(副)十分に たっぷりと (〜するのに)足りるほどsufficientlyの用例Prime Minister Naoto Kan’s government is not sufficiently serious about fisca…

government and private sectors

英和 用語・用例辞典
政府と民間企業[民間部門 政府と民間セクター 官民government and private sectorsの用例As the foundation of Japan as a trading nation is erodin…

sluggish response

英和 用語・用例辞典
対応の鈍さsluggish responseの用例Speculators apparently take advantage of the sluggish response of the government and the Bank of Japan to …

protect state secrets

英和 用語・用例辞典
国家機密を保全するprotect state secretsの用例With the enactment of the secrecy protection law, united rules covering the entire government …

Japanese government bond yields

英和 用語・用例辞典
日本国債の利回り (=JGB yields)Japanese government bond yieldsの用例A 100-basis-point shock [rise] in Japanese government bond yields in 201…

political decision

英和 用語・用例辞典
政治的判断political decisionの用例One of the roles of a Japanese NSC which a government expert panel is considering will make appropriate p…

yield for [on] new 10-year government bonds

英和 用語・用例辞典
新発10年物国債の利回りyield for [on] new 10-year government bondsの用例Despite BOJ Gov. Kuroda’s confidence in controlling the uptrend in l…

die from side effects of

英和 用語・用例辞典
〜の副作用で死亡するdie from side effects ofの用例Bereaved family members filed a damages lawsuit against the government and the importer a…

Iraqi government forces

英和 用語・用例辞典
イラク政府軍Iraqi government forcesの用例To seize back control of Ramadi and its surrounding areas from Sunni tribal militias, Iraqi govern…

stalling tactics

英和 用語・用例辞典
引延ばし戦術stalling tacticsの用例The Syrian government was accused of using stalling tactics to delay efforts to remove and destroy chemic…

ジー‐エル‐シー【GLC】[Government Linked Companies]

《Government Linked Companies》シンガポールやマレーシアにみられる、政府の経済政策に基づいて事業を行う企業。政府系企業。政府関連企業。


Japanese Government Bondの略で、日本国債のことです。


establishment; founding樹立する establish新政府の樹立the establishment of a new government新党を樹立したThey founded [organized] a new (pol…

provide funds

英和 用語・用例辞典
資金を提供するprovide fundsの用例To improve the environment at the U.S. military bases in Japan, the Japanese government will provide funds…

Damage(s) lawsuit

英和 用語・用例辞典
損害賠償請求訴訟 損害賠償を求める訴訟 損害賠償訴訟Damage(s) lawsuitの用例Bereaved family members filed a damages lawsuit against the govern…

special account

英和 用語・用例辞典
特別会計special accountの用例The government can tap its special account to cover 50 percent to 95 percent of insurance payment claims when …


public management公営の public公営事業〔国家の〕a government enterprise/〔地方自治体の〕a municipal enterprise公営企業a publicly-managed […

long-term interest rate

英和 用語・用例辞典
長期金利 (=long-term rate;⇒government bond market, swing)long-term interest rateの用例After U.S. Federal Reserve Board Chairman Ben Bernank…


〔手助け〕help;〔援助〕aid;〔扶養〕support扶助する help; aid; support相互扶助mutual aid親を扶助するsupport one's parents親の扶助を受けるr…

implement a policy

英和 用語・用例辞典
政策を実施する 政策を運営するimplement a policyの用例In an effort to more effectively implement policies, secretaries general of the DPJ an…

bulldoze through

英和 用語・用例辞典
(法案などを)強引に通す 無理に通す 強行する (⇒divided Diet)bulldoze throughの用例The government and ruling parties intend to bulldoze the bu…





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