英和 用語・用例辞典の解説
(名)社会 世間 世間の人々 共同体 社会階層 上流社会 社交界 協会 団体 組合 クラブ 〜界 交流 交際
A new method of prenatal diagnosis could cause disabled people to be rejected by society.
As many sex offenders against children tend to repeatedly commit similar acts of abuse, it is difficult for them to reintegrate into society after they completed their terms.
During his speech at the U.N. General Assembly, Abe said that through ODA, Japan will tackle the promotion of women’s active participation in society, improvement of health and medical care for women, and securing the safety of women in times of conflict.
Every corner of our society and economy has been halted by full-on lockdowns to curb a surge in coronavirus infections.
In the society of pre-modern times, public duties had to come first even at the expense of private lives.
In Turkey, the confrontation between secularists and supporters of the ruling party is intensifying, so it’s difficult to avert splits in society unless Prime Minister Erdogan listens to the voices of secular people.
It is now difficult to share even information that needs to be shared for the good of society due to overreaction to the Personal Information Protection Law.
Japanese society is suffering from an aging population and low birthrate.
Minorities, women and persons with disabilities are provided equal opportunity to participate in the economic mainstream of American Society.
No longer will America and its leaders hope that economic engagement alone will transform Communist China’s authoritarian state into a free and open society.
Public burdens will expand due to increased social security costs compounded by a declining birthrate and graying society.
Referring to the speech of Martin Luther King, Jr., U.S. President Obama said that his speech inspired millions of Americans to fight for a more equal society and rights that people now take for granted.
Taiwan’s former President Lee Teng-hui, who laid the foundation for democratization in Taiwan, ingrained the mind-set of being “Taiwanese” in society to draw a clear line of distinction from China.
The aging of society, coupled with the declining birthrate, will affect not only the pension system, but also medical care costs.
The Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology decided to adopt the term “togo shiccho sho” (loss of coordination disorder) to replace “seishin bunretsu byo” (split mind disorder).
The key to economic growth for an aging society with a declining birthrate lies in how to put the abilities of women and elderly people into full play.
There are some unscrupulous and irredeemably selfish companies that try to profit by passing social welfare costs on to society.
There is concern that Japan’s domestic demand will shrink due to the declining birthrate and the resultant graying of society, as well as a decrease in the population.
This kind of enhanced support to those people who committed minor offenses will help them return to society and keep them on the straight and narrow.
We must take every possible measure to prevent society from losing its vigor due to a rapid drop in population.
With the aging society, inheritances are passing from the elderly to the elderly.
With the globalization of society, the conventional seniority-based wage system has started to collapse.
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